Thursday, December 24, 2015

What was most important in the world by Google in 2015? [SUMMARY] –

The most sought after event in Google in 2015? The terrorist attacks in Paris. What else wanted to learn more using the most popular search engine in the world?

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As every year, Google summed up the passing of 12 months by presenting a summary of the top passwords typed in the largest worldwide search engine. To put it precisely, it is about passwords that in the last year in particular have grown in popularity – allows it to bypass the topics that enjoy perpetual, universal popularity.

global list of Google in 2015 included the following slogans:

1. Lamar Odom – American basketball player husband Khloe Kardashian, whose lives were under threat in October when he was found unconscious at the brothel in Nevada.

2. Charlie Hebdo – French satirical weekly magazine, whose editorial was the target of a terrorist attack Muslim fundamentalists January 7 this year

3. – the popular online game, which takes on the role of the cell. Its aim is to mergers with smaller cells and avoid absorbed by larger cells. The whole action is happening in a petri dish.

4. Jurassic World – a film directed by Colin Trevorrow, a continuation of the famous “Jurassic Park”.

5. Paris – the capital of France, mostly in the context of two terrorist attacks – January 7 and 13 November

6. Furious 7 – the seventh film in the series “Fast and Furious”.

7. Fallout 4 – the fourth part of the game Fallout, action role-playing game with an open world, which happens to be in the post-apocalyptic, retrofuturystycznej reality.

8. Ronda Rousey – American judoczka and competitor mixed martial arts (MMA), which in November He lost the fight with Holly Holm and thus lost the title federation UFC. She also appeared in the aforementioned movie “Furious 7″.

9. Caitlyn Jenner – the heroine of the famous cover of the magazine “Vanity Fair”, entitled “Call Me Caitlyn” (“Call me Caitlyn”). Previously known as Bruce Jenner, athlete, Olympic champion in the pentathlon with Montreal (1976.). For the first time he revealed his sexual identity in early 2015, and the official change of gender and name led in September.

10. American Sniper – distributed in Poland as “Sniper” American film, which premiered at the end of 2014.

The bombings in Paris – the most important event of Google in 2015

completely different, but the above list, if we look at it from the perspective of passwords, but the events. With the global rankings most sought-world events that by far the most important event of 2015 years were

attacks in Paris – mainly those that took place on 13 November (in several places, especially in the club Bataclan), but Also this January (in the editorial office of the weekly Charlie Hebdo). To see how people around the world seeking information about the tragedy in Paris, Click here to go to infographics prepared by Google Trends . In total, they searched them more than 897 million times.

People from around the world sought primarily to answer the following questions:

1. What happened in Paris?

2. Why the Islamic State attacked Paris?

3. Is it safe to go to Paris?

4. How many people died in Paris?

5. Who attacked Paris?

Other questions fell while from the same French who wanted to find out:

1. What happened in Paris?

2. Who were the terrorists?

3. Who are the Eagles of Death Metal?

4. What does “Pray for Paris”?

5. When a curfew in Paris?

Other events by Google in 2015

the January and November bombings in Paris were not the only events that moved the world community of Internet users. Further positions were events such as Oscars 2015 (more than 406 million searches), Cricket World Cup (more than 323 million searches), Rugby World Cup (over 246 million), or Star Wars (over 155 million).

Interestingly, social events, political and economic, even the highest weight of the world, enjoyed a much less popular Google users in 2015. The biggest since the Second World War migration crisis was the subject of 23 million queries economic crises in Greece and China – respectively 35 million and 12 million. Agreement on the Iran’s nuclear program has reached the result of approx. 20 million searches.

The most significant news from the world of science was the discovery in late September of water on Mars – surfers interested enough to collect more than 10 million queries on Google in 2015.

Source: CNN Newsource / x-news


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