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The British decided to try it. They contacted a Korean biotechnology research center Sooam. Koreans have offered the clone dog for 100 thousand. dollars (approx. 386 thousand. zł). A pair froze the dog’s body and picked up two tissue samples: first immediately after death, second only 12 days – when the first set of tissues was insufficient to carry out cloning.
The operation was complicated. It seemed that success is almost impossible. Samples from Dylan’s body has been taken too long after his death. Typically, tissue samples have already 5 days after the death of the donor are not suitable for cloning.
However, despite the small chance they succeeded. On the second day of Christmas was born clone of deceased boxer.
The puppy was named Chance (ang. Chance, serendipity).
If all goes according to plan, in a few days joined by a brother, who is to be named Shadow (ang. shadow).
Puppy is 100 percent. the same DNA as Dylan
Laura and Richard argue that so far can not believe it. Both were present in the operating room, where he was born clone their dog.
– It all seems unreal – said Laura newspaper “The Guardian”. – How long I could not believe what happened. The puppy looked exactly like Dylan. The same coat, same physique. – She added.
– We Dylan from the small – said Laura – He was like a child. He was the world to me – she said.
Scientists: It did not have the right to go
Laboratory Sooam Biotech claims that skolonowało more than 700 dogs. The technique, which involves scientists use the DNA donor implating to “empty” eggs and “inoculate him” bitch, which will be the mother of a clone.
Employees Sooamu are just as stunned as the owners Dylan. – This is an extraordinary case. For the first time we succeeded in cloning a dog so long after the animal’s death – said David Kim from Sooam. Tissues used to clone Dylan, were collected 12 days after the death of the dog. So far not succeeded in any cloning, if the donor cells have been downloaded more than five days after his death.
Scientists are hoping that a decisive moment, which will help to better understand the processes of cloning.
Cloning dogs is controversial Continue
There are no precise regulations on cloning dogs. We know, however, that cloning humans is illegal, and in August,
The RSPCA (UK pet care company) is opposed to cloning dogs. – There are serious ethical problems associated with the cloning of animals. It is a procedure that potentially causes pain to dogs, has a large margin of error and excessive mortality. There is also evidence that cloned animals have problems with lung disease and cancer – said a spokesman for the RSPCA newspaper “The Guardian”.
June 11 : Richard and Laura find out that their boxer Dylan suffering from brain cancer. The disease is incurable – Dylan was up to 18 months of life.
June 30 Dylan died of a heart attack.
July 1-4 Dylan is frozen. Laura and Richard are buying specialist equipment for tissue sampling. Skin samples are sent to dog South Korea. It is hoped that manage to clone a dog. A couple waiting for the funeral pet “just in case”.
July 6 : Scientists from the company Sooam in Korea say the skin sample is insufficient to clone a dog.
July 10-12 : Richard and Laura acquire the next sample from the frozen dog.
October 21 : Sooam confirmed that the samples are complete, despite that you have downloaded a few days after the death of Dylan. He began the process of cloning a dog.
October 24th : Koreans confirmed: fertilization process ended successfully. Twice the world come two clones Dylan.
December 26 : The world comes first puppy, Chance. Second, Shadow, is born on the 29th of December.
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