Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Poles will examine the mummies for diseases – Dziennik.pl

In the first stage of the “Warsaw Mummy Project”, researchers from the University of Warsaw will shine mummies non-invasive methods. Under the supervision of radiologists and oncologists from the International Cancer Centre Affidea will use a CT scanner and a digital camera for X-ray examinations. This will determine whether the mummies are authentic and what is under the bandages. Check the species, sex and age of the mummy, but first they will try to find traces of diseases that occurred in antiquity.

An archaeologist from the University of Warsaw Marzena Ożarek -Szilke says that their focus will be mainly on cancer. – The first X-ray will show whether the bones are tumors. I hope that our actions cause in the future to study how these diseases were changing or evolving and that once were just as dangerous to humans as now – adds an archaeologist.

The second phase of the project It involves small samples of the mummy endoscopic management. This could set the laboratory analysis, including DNA testing.
Most of the mummy has never been overexposure so the inside can be interesting findings. UW archaeologist Wojciech Ejsmond says that previously there were already such discovery. – When an X-ray of one of the mummies we found that in addition to the mummified body in the bundle between the legs of the mummy was also the head. This may be associated with certain magical or religious practices, but I do not know about them because they do not have the written sources. Our study will help you tell us more about this “- he says. After the first test in one of the mummies, which

can come from 8 century BC was discovered amulet of the scarab made probably of metal.

Similar tests are carried out since the 70s, but has so far been able to examine a little more than a hundred of Egyptian mummies and – as emphasized by the Polish naukowcy- research has never been so comprehensive as those that have just started in Otwock. The entire project will take three years.


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