The results of the next stage of qualification, which is mentioned substantive assessment, we will have to wait nearly three months. Nominations cities to the chances of winning the title of European Green Capital 2018 will be officially announced in March next year, after the completion of the analysis carried out by a group of experts. The winner, who will win this prestigious name will be announced in June, at the awards ceremony in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia.
– In recent years we put a lot of work in it to Warsaw was a city clean, environmentally friendly, a good everyday life for each resident. The granting of the title of European Green Capital would be an honor for us and also a confirmation that our efforts are going in the right direction – tells us Michal Olszewski, deputy mayor of Warsaw.
What allows us to lay claim to that name? One hundred percent wastewater treatment, low-emission public transport or unique variety of flora and fauna – these are just some of the advantages cited by the Warsaw City Hall.
The title of European Green Capital can run all the cities from the EU and applying for membership, which have more than 100 thousand inhabitants. The award was initiated in 2008, and two years later became its first winner Stockholm. Other cities that have it in your account include Hamburg, Copenhagen and Bristol. The title gives the European Commission this city that stands up economic growth and improve the quality of
Folded applications are assessed by an international jury, composed of experts from various disciplines concerned, ie. the local contribution to the prevention of global climate change, urban transport management, urban greenery, combat noise, waste production and management, nature conservation and biodiversity, air quality, water consumption, waste water treatment, eco-innovation and sustainable employment, environmental management at local government level and energy efficiency.

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