Monday, December 21, 2015

Gold train does not exist? AGH: There is a tunnel, but there is no train! [REPORT] – Morning Courier

- So would look visualization developed by our research of magnetic, if in place of their conduct was buried armored train – explained prof. Janusz Madej from the University of Science and Technology in Krakow on Tuesday’s press conference in wałbrzych Old Mine. According to him, the train there but not there. – These are the actual results of our research. We did not detect anomalies that could indicate that the earth is a great object of iron or steel – continued the professor. Madej.

Thus, confirmed our unofficial information that we published the day before the conference. The findings of researchers from the AGH with great disappointment took several dozen journalists from the country and abroad, who visited on Tuesday in Walbrzych.

Before the presentation of research results AGH, the results of their research presented by representatives of the company XYZ, which belongs to Peter Kopra and Andreas Richter, which is the official finders “gold train”. With their presentation showed that the embankment discovered the five tracks and a tunnel whose intake was blown up. They also pointed to the small hill (called 400.11), which according to them is hidden in the tunnel the train, but not armored – as claimed earlier – only a staff.

The detection of a tunnel or its residues also mentioned Dr. Adam Szynkiewicz, whose Koper and Richter invited to cooperate. The scientist admitted that he conducted his research was done in a hurry and were not as precise as if he wished. He had only one day of their execution.

without leaving any illusions examination of AGH was a huge surprise for copra and Richter. Still, however, argue that the train there. – With respect for the results of studies AGH, but used the equipment other than we otherwise marked out the field of research – explains Piotr

Koper. – We do not suggest, however, a mistake. We are not professionals, so we invited experts from Germany and Dr. Adam Szynkiewicz.

Professor Janusz Madej from AGH stated that exclude the mistake of his team. He cited a Latin sentence by Seneca: “To err is human, to be stuck in error – stupidity”.

The results submitted by the company XYZ and AGH do not close the case “gold train”. Roman Szełemej, president of Wałbrzych, who from the beginning of the approaches to the issue skeptical, appointed a magistrate’s team to analyze the test results.

Probably in the spring they will be carried out or dig wells to finally clarify and close the case. For now we know that if it comes to earthmoving, this city will order them a professional company that fully covers their costs.



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