Monday, December 14, 2015

Onedrive Microsoft – how to get up to 30 GB of disk space in the cloud – Interia

1 hr. 4 minutes ago

A month ago company Microsoft has announced changes in onedrive – the popular cloud service network in reducing the area available for private files. Holders of a free plan so far could be as long as 15 GB on a single account Microsoft (although nothing was ever any obstacles to have more such accounts), and after the changes only 5GB in a single account. But the simple tricks make, we will have more space.

How to get extra free gigabytes of disk onedrive?

/ press releases

Changes (back to 5GB) have not been, of course, accepted with understanding users of the service, which they gave abundantly clear by the service make suggestions. The company decided to issue a formal response, in which he admitted that Microsoft’s official statement could be read as a punishment for the use of available tools. Although the company has not decided to withdraw the announced changes, it is for users with a free plan (standard account from Microsoft, without additional services like Pay-per GB and Office 365) has prepared a special offer that provides a simple way to keep the existing surface (15GB), as well as another 15GB awarded users Camera Roll, applications from smartphones Nokia Lumia –

in short, the announced changes will not apply if you decide to take advantage of this proposal.

To take advantage of promotions simply you log on to a Microsoft account, and then click here. To our account will be assigned to “application” onedrive Preview, which expects from us, among other things access to the contact list of email addresses. Given that, and so the corporation has access to this data is not excessive price from 10 to 25GB data absolutely free.

This is certainly not an offer ideal, no less completely free of charge we can stop large area on the disk online, which even if not now, then in the future may be needed.

Adrian Smorąg


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