Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Students from Lodz in the final of the competition for the capsule Hyperloop – Interia

Students from the Technical University of Lodz HyperLodz group got to the finals of the competition for the capsule Hyperloop, whose aim is to build ultra-fast means of transport. The organizer of the competition is the founder of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors Elon Musk.

Hyperloop can become a real rewolucą transport

/ press releases

Elon Musk – founder of PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors – revealed details of a new high-speed means of transport called Hyperloop. read more

an innovative vehicle concept future Hyperloop was born in 2013. According to it, the innovative solution company SpaceX provide no alternative to aircraft, being a combination of train, car and hovercraft. The construction would move in a special tube, initially numbering 550 km from Los Angeles to San Francisco. According to Muska, too long for the car and for a short aircraft. Hyperloop, racing at a speed of over 1000 km / h, would overcome it in about half an hour.

To work on a project that in the future would revolutionize public transport in other parts of the world, at the end of August., Elon Musk invited scientists and students, organizing for them the aforementioned competition. It aims to help in refining the idea Muska and emerge the best and most effective version of the capsule Hyperloop. According to the assumptions of the competition, to reduce friction capsule, while increasing its speed of movement, it should not touch the ground.

HyperLodz, or Hyperloop in Lodz edition of

The competition Musk joined teams from all over the world. Among the participants there was also a 11-person group of students from Lodz, who formed the band HyperLodz. In its draft, they used the so-called. magnetic levitation, taking place under the influence of forces and interactions of magnetic fields and electromagnetic that balance the force resulting from gravity or other factors.

The idea of ​​Poles assumes that thanks to magnetic levitation and a specially designed magnetic motors, their vehicle will be able to float above the ground composed of layers of different metals. With this solution, the only source of energy for the levitation is the energy stored in batteries capsule, which will significantly reduce the cost of building the tunnel, and the entire system.

According to the concept by the Lodz team, used to disperse the capsule electromagnetic motors, arranged would be in the tunnel in such a way as to be able to ensure that the vehicle does not develop excessive speed. Resistance to adverse air resistance would be guaranteed while the developed shape of the vehicle, and also a special compressor, which is located on the front of the vehicle, pumping the air before the capsule behind her.

According to the project developers, thanks to the air compressor is not also undermine the capsule and not slowed her, because the device would allow its aspiration to its interior, and then move to the back of the narrow channel. Compressor enable further avoid the

phenomenon referred to commonly as a “plug in the tube,” or build-up of pressure before the capsule due to the small surface of airflow around it.

“air compression allows to increase its density, thereby maintaining the same -speed air can be transported in a much smaller passage than the inlet channel of the compressor. Suitable shaping channel (to provide the nozzle Laval) through which will be carried out air will provide additional recoil, which will also propel the capsule. This can be useful hotspots route “- explained on its side of the authors of.

mechanism levitation used by students support the special wheels, useful in particular for stopping the capsule at the time of boarding passengers, which would give the possibility of energy saving situations where levitation is not required.

The team members HyperLodz much space in his work have also directed numerous systems projects, ensure the safety of passengers. They included, among others, Sensors monitor the transport conditions and the condition of travelers, solutions responsible for the stabilization and protection of the skull and spine, the system of emergency braking, as well as a system of fire extinguishing based on the latest solutions used in the International Space Station.

I could not have without crowdfundingu

The concept of students Lodz polytechnic met with high praise representatives of Elon Musk, as evidenced by the invitation to participate in the finals of the competition, which at the end of January 2016 will be held in Texas .

The team of Lodz will fly to the United States with the help of Polish Internet users, who through the portal crowdfundingowego Polakpotrafi.pl supported them financially, allowing students to travel to the United States. The collection beyond the expectations of members HypeLodz who initially wanted to collect 12 thousand. zł, enabling flight to Texas two representatives of the team, as a condition of participation in this stage of the competition.

At this point, 22 days before the end of the collection, they have in your account already close to 25 thousand. zł, through which the US will fly two more people. All this, to present the concept Lodz best and perhaps be among the winners.

If that happened, their solution doczekałoby be scheduled for a summer 2016 years practical tests in special prepared for the occasion of the tunnel. Elon Musk definitely does not throw words to the wind because, therefore, it is possible that his vision of an innovative means of transport, the future is looking forward to implementation. Do your part in this transport revolution will have students from Lodz? May.

Matthew Drożdżal


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