The players want to make life difficult group Phantom Squad. The team attacked before Christmas, taking on dating Xbox Live, effectively blocking access to the site. This is just the beginning – promise to “hackers” – because its purpose is much larger: to make the holidays do not work 4 PlayStation Network, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360. For the players around the world would not be able to play on the Web, do purchases in the digital shop or download the update. And all the ordinary but very tedious DDoS attacks.
(DDoS called. Distributed Denial of Service, distributed denial of service) – an attack on a computer system or network service to prevent action by seizing all the resources available, carried out simultaneously from multiple computers (eg. a zombie.) – Wikipedia
A year ago, also during holidays, just worked Lizard Squad. Most suffered from Sony, because PlayStation Network took issue with the stable functioning for a few days after Christmas. There is a significant risk that this year it happens again. Even the experts admit that before the DDoS difficult to defend.
Phantom Squad or earlier Lizard Squad, who earn money for their attacks ideologies. They want to show users that big corporations do not care about them. There are preparing to attack. They do not defend their clients.
This is an exceptionally stupid excuse that does not defend the self-proclaimed defenders of the people. DDoS attacks do not prove anything. The data does not leak, nobody loses money. Phantom Squad did not prove so that Sony and Microsoft are not concerned with our safety.
And the problem actually exists. I recently found out that a month comes to acquisitions 77,000 accounts on Steam, the largest pecetowym store digital versions of games. The victims are not only ignorant people, but also professional players. In 2011, in the hands of hackers hit data from over 77 million PlayStation Network accounts. A similar break-ins on a smaller scale, unfortunately, we hear often. That is true, hackers have their ways, but the DDoS is a different matter, not having any connection with the theft of confidential information, such as e-mail addresses and even credit card numbers. Phantom Squad can throw on servers, but that does not make us feel safer.
DDoS-sheep they also have another explanation. Christmas is a time for families and not for games. If you can not play on the Web, talk with parents, meet with my uncle, spend time with their grandparents. According to their logic, they are doing us a favor. Even if we agree that something in it, that’s for sure about our spare time should not decide a group of “hackers”. The more that the gift can be a console, so a lot of people will not be able to use it as they would wanted it. Just because an organized group of Internet hooligans knows better what is good for us. Absurd.
Groups such as the Phantom Squad, it is simply about fame. Their achievements to spell, familiar names comment on the attack. They are a little like Anonymous, another hacker group, which supposedly defends freedom and democracy, threatening the Islamic war you, but do nothing, it is important notoriety. In the case of “of gaming hackers” action is. And worse, there is also recognition among some players. The more that DDoS attacks-these can take advantage.
When previous holidays Lizard Squad blocked access to
A lot of people have written that while the Christmas attacks not suffered, it is the desire to take advantage of the opportunity. Sony buckled up, in my opinion unnecessarily – in this case the company was the same victim, as normal users. It is logical that she wanted to get out of his face, but from terrorists and hooligans will not negotiate. “Przeprosinowa offer” is sort of the paid ransom. It is easy to guess that over time demand will be higher in order to gain recognition among ordinary people. What if this year attacks will be stopped only when every owner of a PlayStation 4 will get a free game or 80 % discount? Yes, Sony could such an offer ridicule, but it can once again bow. Why do we have to use to attack web bands?
It uses often and willingly. The network already was the new movie by Quentin Tarantino, hackers threaten to other upcoming blockbusters also will land on pirate sites. This shows the hypocrisy of people: when they robbed a film label, you can benefit from that and curiosity to see, but when our data getting into the wrong hands, we want compensation. However, it is doing the same people who work on similar principles.
To “promote” hackers contribute to ordinary people, motivate them too big businesses. George Hotz became recognizable thanks, he broke the protection of the PlayStation 3, theoretically allowing to run pirated versions of games. Sony tried to defeat (despite everything) capable hacker, but broke itself: there was between the parties to the settlement, because geohot has promised that its solution with anyone not share. After years Hotz was hired by Google.
Theoretically it is good that dangerous hackers pass on the bright side of the force. They will seek security holes, but just to get them repaired and strengthened. They also know, as you may think your opponent. So better to have them as allies, not enemies, but not worth the praise. Because doing with people like geohot fame, publicizing successes and motivates to followers. Show up, do something that other people did not, and we appreciate you and give legally earn – after all, so you can interpret the fact that Hotz, who had blood napsuł Sony and Apple, and later got a job at Facebook and Google. For much of its path will be cookbook, and he was a role model. Same company attracts us trouble, provoking hackers to take action.
Calm holidays? As you can see, in the world playing may be futile wishes.

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