Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Error 451 451 Error CONTENT AVAILABLE – a 404 just gained a new companion – Gazeta.pl

The sad necessity or inevitable future? The new error code, the Error 451 will appear in our browser, when searched by our content has been censored. The decision was adopted IETF association establishing standards for the Internet. Although the organization is informal, it made its decisions are widely recognized.

Code 451

The selected number of error is of course not accidental and refers to famous novel Ray Bardbury’ego “Fahrenheit 451″. In the firefighters involved in fighting fires and the burning of books, the possession of which is prohibited. The book presents society stupefied by the censors, and the title refers to the temperature at which paper burns – 451 degrees Fahrenheit (233 degrees Celsius). It should be noted, however, that this is the ignition temperature, when the paper itself is on fire because of high ambient temperature.

Internet censorship

The code 451 will see in our the browser instead of the previous 403 error whenever a content is inaccessible to us for legal reasons. Already it used by some providers of content, but the IETF’s decision certainly begin to be more widely used. Says Mark Nottingham with the IETF:

There is no guarantee that all locked content will be adequately
described by the censor. But surely he will find wide use, especially since sites like Github, Twitter, Facebook and Google often have to censor content against their will.

Initially, the IETF did not want to introduce a new code, especially since all have to range from 400 to 499. However, after many recommendations from administrators who introduced the 451 error Association changed their minds.

So look out for the code 451 on the internet – I hope you will see it as little as possible.

[For: BoingBoing]


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