- It was a very risky venture. After the queue is built on the rocks. They needed to pluck out, prepare the ground for support, cemented – talked about the construction of the Kasprowy Wierch Janusz Sankowski.
80 years ago, completed the railway car to Kasprowy . It was built in just seven months, regardless of the frost, snow snowstorm, which are the daily bread in the Tatra Mountains.
Start investment
Work on the construction queue started the August 1, 1935. the site was then 100 people in October uwijało already 600 people in recent weeks, just before putting the investment employed more than 1,000 workers. Specialists pulled down already outside Zakopane, because in the capital of the Tatra ran out hands to work.
A bold project, frantic pace
The history of the funicular railway to Kasprowy reminded of “Scientific Wieczor with a One” Dorota Truszczak. The program given to 16 March 2006 was attended by: prof. Teresa Kodelska , architects daughter Anna and Alexander Kodelskich and Janusz Sankowski – cond. Railway Museum .
– Dad called a crazy man – told Teresa Kodelska. – Always she kidnapped on some big, hard things. He built Central Station in Warsaw Legia stadium. He undertook the task that seemed impossible. He then jammed up and showed everyone that it made.
This was also the case in the Kasprowy. Completion date the investment was highly inflated. And yet they succeeded. – I think that each queue is an engineering feat – said Janusz Sankowski. – The queue to Kasprowy was indeed the sixtieth consecutive world, but the third-longest route and the fifth altitude difference.
in total, it has a length of almost 4182 m. the difference in altitude is 932 m, and so we go up approx. 1 km away. – I was brought up on this site. I was not afraid of anything. Even they had me drive away from the engine because I liked flywheels, which was attached a rope – remembers daughter designers cableway to Kasprowy Wierch.
– did not have at that time machine and properly approx. 80% of the work this was done manually – added Janusz Sankowski. – While yet Myślenickie Turnia could get it to the top of Kasprowy was no longer possible.
Many materials simply had to bring her back. At some point, solved the problem by bringing horses Hutsul that hauling sandbags and cement.
The opening ceremony
– wjeżdżaliśmy pump. Conductors were beautiful costumes designed by my mother – she recalled Teresa Kudelska. These were dark blue jacket, white knickerbockers with cloth, white knee socks, shoes for very thick zelówce and caps a railway man.
The opening ceremony of the funicular railway to Kasprowy government delegation arrived. It was headed by Minister of Communications – Alexander Bobkowski.
– When a government delegation came to the bridge, the conductor opened the door, but everyone was afraid to get on the wagon – told Janusz Sankowski. – There was a daredevil who would went inside and then came to help the dog Bobkowski minister’s wife. His name was Rebus, jumped into the car and solved the rebus. He was the first passenger cable car to Kasprowy.
What other anecdotes related to the cable car to Kasprowy? – Listen archival broadcasts Dorothy Truszczak.
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