Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Miniature computer Raspberry Pi 3 with a faster processor, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for $ 35 – wirtualnemedia.pl

The heart of the Raspberry Pi 3 is a 64-bit unit of Broadcom BCM2837 equipped with 4 cores clocked at a frequency of 1.2 GHz. According to the announcement of the manufacturer’s processor is 60 percent. more efficient than the built-in Raspberry Pi 2 and 10 times faster than the industry’s first Raspberry Pi.

The other elements of the configuration of the new model does not differ in principle from its predecessor. The computer is equipped with 1 GB of RAM, microSD slot, 2 USB ports and one slot HDMI jack, and Ethernet.

The novelty compared to the previous page views Raspberry Pi is also mounting in the new model of modules that support connectivity standard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The computer is offered at the price of $ 35.

Author: ps

Learn more: Raspberry Pi, a miniature computer, Raspberry

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