The idea that wants to implement Ministry of Health , has to translate into an increase in fertility in Poland. How did he find “DGP”, a National Health Program can be credited in “procreative policy”. – Politics realizing fertility will be either as part of NHP, or a separate project health policy – betrays Deputy Minister of Health Mr. Jaroslaw Pinkas.
NHP document specifying the operation of the Act on public health, which a month ago was signed by the president. Its strategic goal in the period 2016-2020 is to improve the health and quality of life. The draft regulation is mentioned five main objectives: improving diet, reducing alcohol and tobacco, improved psychological well-being, reducing the ill effects of the environment and health care for the elderly. Currently, the department is being discussed, whether as a sixth point is to be there policy procreative.
For all the goals envisaged budget of the order of 140 million zł per year, or the 11 million-40 million zł for all of them. It is not known yet whether to “fashion a child” would include additional money or additional program would fit into a pool of 140 million zł, depleting budgets for other activities. As explained Deputy Minister Pinkas, the aim of the change would be a change in mindset of a large family, so many children was associated positively.
How to get rid of the negative connotation of families with many children? Sam Deputy Minister says enigmatically: education, education and education again. For now appointed a team of experts who would prepare preliminary proposals for action. One of the doctors, who was invited to the team, says that it is about promoting in society needs to have a child, the value showing that model 2 plus 2 or more can give happiness that does not bring the model 1 plus 1.
Education would begin with a group of 7+, or from education at school. But her element would be social campaigns addressed to all. According to experts are divided. They point out that such education would have to be conducted with great sensitivity so as not to discriminate against people who do not want or can not have children, or they can not afford to make a decision about the larger family.
Martyn Kawińska sociologist, lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, believes, however, that the space for such education exists. In her opinion shaping pro-family attitudes in the young may have an impact on their subsequent decisions. But it stipulates that it would have to be the only one of the elements of family policy: not just the same desire to have children. There must also be institutional support. – There should be a solution, guaranteeing sense of security that despite temporary financial difficulties (or loss of health parent) family with children will not experience instantly poverty and social exclusion – explains Kawińska.
From her research shows that the current generation of 20-30-year-olds often say they are planning a big family. But it remains mainly in the phase deklaratywności. – The representatives of this generation could hardly find themselves in the labor market. They have a sense of loneliness in their decisions and it is difficult for them to decide to have a child at all, not to mention the larger the family, if one child is left in the world – explains. And he adds that the same as a sociologist closely watching what will be their final attitude towards the family.
On the other hand, sees, too, that there is room for education. Two years ago, he has carried out in several Warsaw high schools on families with many children. – We were surprised that they do not associate it already so clearly pathologies and poverty, but with gaining better coping skills in a group, sharing, better social start – says Kawińska. And he adds that conducted the study in children with family multipartite – their perception was also very positive, treat this as a plus, not a limitation.
However, according to Prof.. Janusz Czapiński campaigns will not help change the mentality. – To change the value of society, it would have to happen something big, a breakthrough that will change the way of thinking. Promotion or education did not give – believes the author of the Social Diagnosis. In his opinion, it would initially undertake a thorough study showing why it really Poles do not want to have children or do not decide for another. So to capture the real reason and adapt policy to culture. – In Germany, the policy of providing financial support did not work, while in France the model as you can see has proven itself – indicates prof. Czapiński. In his opinion, the change in value does not become a source of motivation enough.

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