The earthquake of 7 degrees on the Richter scale occurred 106 km north of Petropavlovsk Kamchatka – tells
So far there are no doniesienień of the victims or material losses. According to information provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS), the epicenter of the tremors was located at a depth of 153 km. No tsunami warning was issued.
‘; }} If (! Expand_pos) var destObj = ‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent; else var destObj = ‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘-’ + expand_pos; if (oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons) $ (‘# comment-large-votes -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons); $ (DestObj) .html (returnHTML); if (first_level) {coments_textCollapse (destObj); $ (‘# List-comments-combobox-order’). Val (oJsonObject.orderIndex); } $ (‘# Comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .animate ({opacity: 1}); }} Error: function () {$ (‘# comments-container -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .animate ({opacity: 1}); $ (‘Body’). 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No connection to the service Facebook or not all the data has been transmitted. ‘);} else {$ (‘ .newcomment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComment-user-fb-id- ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (; $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img “). attr (‘alt’,; $ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘ .comment-newComment-thumb img “). attr (‘title’,; $ (‘# newComment-type-3 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’ ); if ( {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). 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The Israeli air force was spying? The US and Britain had eavesdrop communications network of the Israeli Air Force. This was done under the operation called “Anarchist” – tells the BBC. Added: 2016-01-29 18: 05 -
in a gypsum mine disaster. The miners rescued after 36 days We managed to rescue four miners who were trapped underground in China gypsum mine by 36 days – tells the BBC. Added: 2016-01-29 17:19 -
The Stepfather zakatowanego Daniel Pełka found dead in his cell 36-year-old Mariusz Krężołek, sentenced to 30 years in prison for tortured his four-year stepson, was found dead in his cell. In July 2015 the cell hanged herself Daniel’s mother, Magdalena Luczak – gives the Independent. Added: 2016-01-29 16:47 -
Virus Zika found in Spain In Spain in three patients confirmed Zika virus detection. Some of them recently stayed in South America – tells Reuters. Added: 2016-01-29 15:04 -
The Russian Foreign Ministry sharply to withdraw Waszczykowski ” Washington creates an image of Russia as a mythical enemy. Warsaw believes in it, instead of cooperating. You can live fears and phobias, the choice is Polish “- so the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the parliamentary Foreign Minister … Added: 2016-01-29 14:15 -
Survey: 40 percent . Germans want the resignation of Angela Merkel Institute for public opinion research INSA conducted a survey for the German weekly “Focus” which shows, that 40 percent of Germans believe that Chancellor Angela Merkel should resign from his post. Added: 2016-01-29 13: 47 -
grenade in a German refugee center. Sappers in action On the night of 28 on January 29, unknown perpetrators threw a grenade into a refugee center in Villingen-Schwenningen Baden-Württemberg – informs Reuters. Added: 2016-01-29 12:57 -