Sunday, January 24, 2016

6 best applications for secure chat –

We, ordinary users, we are in the midst of war. On the one hand planning to attack the terrorists, drug traffickers and other criminals, on the other numerous services trying to find evidence of crimes and crime. The first need of secure communication tools, others want this communication to take over.

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Unfortunately, ordinary users also receive blows in this war – whether by cyber criminals or too nosy services of interest to us even “backfire”.

There are, fortunately, tools that allow you to restrict access to the course of our communication. Here are some of them.

Signal – Secure SMS

How weapon & # x107; a & # x119; before Surveillance & # x105; the network? Compositions R. Kędzierski

The application created hacker. This word often has a pejorative tinge – unnecessarily. If it were not hackers would have been defenseless against both criminals (especially those operating in cyberspace) and services.

Singal sends messages on the same principle as the application of SMS. To send messages using the internet, which allows data encryption.

The application also allows voice calls and also encodes them. The additional protection is necessary as a special code sent to both callers. This is to prevent impersonate one of them.

At the market, there are several other communicators of this type, but Signal stands out among them certified by independent experts efficiency. They also emphasized that the creators Signal operate according to the highest standards – the application code is open, which means that any specialist can verify it. So if the creator of Signal wanted to hide something in it once they would have been unmasked. Application heartily recommend … Edward Snowden , the American NSA, which revealed the backstage of agencies and fled to Russia.

It is interesting to note one thing: looking for a secure instant messaging You can hit the reviews applications TextSecure and RedPhone – come from the same manufacturer and have been combined to create just Signal. Currently, they are no longer available.

Signal can download to the device with Android , iOS stationary version is in beta.

Telegram – do not install this device

At this point, you odradzimy application that has recently found itself in second place in our ranking. As for available and running on all platforms Telegram. Unfortunately, despite considerable popularity the application has not won the confidence of professionals. On the advise against installing this program, explaining that the developers quite badly they used tools for encoding. Among the 60 million users many are associated with ISIS and terrorism, we try to avoid so this project and us treat it as “burned.”

wickr – your messages may disappear

How Weapons & # x107; a & # x119; before Surveillance & # x105; the network?

Compositions R. Kędzierski

Application. which is worth trying this wickr. Available on the principle all platforms : iOS and Android, Linux and Windows. It has some interesting features: allows you to set the time “self-destruction” messages (from 1 second to 6 days), also allows chatować in groups (up to 10 people). The main disadvantage of this is not entirely clear procedure coding – it is not open source. It is not known is whether this fear of “development of” services, or on the contrary – so that would facilitate their operation. For the average user, who does not want to run away from investigating the crime, and only massive, widespread surveillance, the tool may be sufficient.

BBM – pioneers coding still give advice

As weapons & # x107; a & # x119; before Surveillance & # x105; the network?

Compositions R. Kędzierski

Speaking the safe chatowaniu definitely need to replace the BBM application derived from the BlackBerry. That’s what telephones of this company as one of the first communication offered essentially completely inaccessible for services.

Encoding of messages was the hallmark and one of the reasons for the use of applications by corporations.

Today BBM is available to customers Android and iOS . It offers all the familiar features of Messenger or

Cryptocat – transfer files

How weapon & # x107; a & # x119; before Surveillance & # x105; the network?

Compositions R. Kędzierski

An interesting application to secure talks is Cryptocat. It is designed for fixed installations – works on OS X and Windows. Creators ensure that even hacking into a computer can read previous correspondence. Due to the fact that the application is designed for stationary equipment also allows transmission of encoded files.

An additional recommendation is the high assessment fighting for the right to privacy of the Electronic Freedom Foundation and the prohibition communicator in Iran. As you can see hacking costs too much effort. Cryptocat is therefore an ideal tool for those who do not want the offender with minimum capacity or over-zealous policeman fumbled in the mail.

Cryptocat was listed application hampering surveillance created by Dariusz Jemielniak , involved in the creation of Wikipedia.

Cryptocat is available in addition to Chrome and Firefox, Opera. It can also download for OS X and the iPhone.

Threema – for demanding

How weapon & # x107; a & # x119; before Surveillance & # x105; in network?

Compositions R. Kędzierski

Another application on our list is payable. It costs $ 1.99, but offers an even higher level of privacy. Creators ensure that our messages are not stored on servers. Callers can lead huts completely anonymously verifying identity by using a special QR code. The price for privacy is less convenient user ID can be assigned to only one machine, and if you lose your private key to our account we will not have a chance to retrieve it. “Forgot Password” in this case is impossible.

The application is available for users of Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Surespot – convenient to use

​​How weapon & # x107; a & # x119; before Surveillance & # x105; the network? Compositions R. Kędzierski

Application Surespot to download for users of Android and iOS combines high standard encoding (open source, so it can be verified), with the convenience of account creation. You can register them using a phone number or e-mail. The application allows for voice calls, and on some devices, you can register multiple accounts.

From the time the revelations disclosed by Edward Snowden, more and more users want to protect their privacy. Do not be afraid to use this law in mind, however, that if the services become interested in us with all the commitment then it will be difficult to defend. Ordinary users should, however, thanks to the above applications feel safer.



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