The study published in “The Astronomical Journal” by Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygina show that there is a “Planet 9″. Researchers called it “Phattie”. It has to be the size of Neptune.
The same planet was not observed. Astronomers infer its existence from gravitational disturbances in other facilities. – We have a huge gravitational signature of a planet in the outer regions of the solar system – says Batygin. The researchers assume that the most powerful terrestrial telescopes could detect the ‘Phattie. “
Evidence of Planet 9 is primarily focusing strange bodies orbiting in the so-called. Kuiper Belt, the region lying outside the orbit of Pluto.
Phattie to be ten times more massive than Earth, its period of rotation around the Sun is expected to be bagatelle 10 000 to 20 000 years.
Of course, the existence of an unknown planet hypothesis exists in astronomy for many decades. It sometimes is called Planet X, Nibiru time, but no one has confirmed its existence.
Brown is confident. The probability that a cluster of objects in the Kuiper Belt was created
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