Thursday, January 14, 2016

The consortium of Creotech Instruments started a project for ESA – Virtual Poland

Warsaw, 01/14/2016 (ISBnews) – A consortium of Creotech Instruments as a leader inaugurated the project “Innovation Platform Testbed EO Poland” project commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA).

“We signed today a contract worth 2 million euros, which will attempt to create a physical repository of data from satellite observation of the earth to the cloud data. It helps that will have practical applications, thanks to them we will be able to better monitor, observe the earth” – said Deputy Minister Jadwiga development Emilewicz during a press conference.

The consortium won the competition for a project written out by the European Space Agency.

“This project is crucial in the area of ​​big data for high-resolution optical observation” – said Guenther Landgraf, Head of Ground Segment Infrastructure Engineering Section at ESA.

The project will take two years. “Within 6 months creation of infrastructure for the next 18 months we will be providing a service at preferential prices, because the ESA will pay directly for these services, and after 24 months we will enter the market completely free,” – said the president Creotech Instruments Grzegorz Brona.

He added that the consortium is already receiving requests for services from potential customers, which are among other government agencies.

The Polish company – Creotech Instruments and CloudFerro – to 97% in the consortium implementing the

project, while 3% belong to the German consulting firm Brockmann Consult.

Creotech Instruments (CTI) is a Polish company that since 2008 implements projects related to the study and exploration of the cosmos and provide components and specialized equipment to the newest and most technologically advanced research institutions. Among them it is worth mentioning the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva, the Institute for Heavy Ion Research GSI and DESY Research Center in Germany, the Space Research Centre and the University of Warsaw.



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