Saturday, January 30, 2016

YouTube does not have to worry about. The threat from Facebook simply does not exist – Spider’s Web

The financial results of Facebook, wrote about Spider Przemek today are staggering. It’s hard to believe that the service continues to grow. I most interested in video performance, because Mark Zuckerberg was first stopped spinning and coffee laid out on the table. The statistics are staggering, but the truth is that all efforts are doomed to fail.

Facebook for a long time praised the results of viewing of video content placed directly in the site. With each successive quarter, the number grew, and users viewed more and more movies. In October, Facebook users viewed a total of 8 billion videos a day. Only that the data presented in the form of anything does not say.

Even last quarter, Facebook gave impressions movies. This attitude has been widely criticized due to the fact that by default, videos are automatically played and it only takes 3 seconds to the film was considered to be viewed. Therefore, when scrolling the array during the day you could play dozens of films, not looking in practice none.

Zuckerberg says, as it is

 Facebook w & # x15B, not in a & # x142; & # x119 ; it & # x15B; it comes to video

The new strategy Facebook is much more transparent. Facebook boss finally gave the number of hours watched, and not the number of “impressions”. Facebook users watch 100 million hours of video per day.

This gives a real insight into the condition of Facebook, because Google uses the exact same converter for your YouTube. Direct comparison falls in favor of the latter. According to Business Insider, YouTube in July, the result could boast more than 500 million hours of video watched per day! According to the latest estimates, today this number is already 650 million. hours each day. That’s more than six times more than in the case of Facebook.

While as for content creators Facebook does not really matter

In its current form, no content creator will not change from YouTube to Facebook. Apart from the size of the audience, the reason is the archive of films. When the creator of the YouTube channel crosses more films, all previous points are easily accessible. The principle of

operation YouTube is in this respect completely transparent, so each viewer can handle in finding material placed three months ago. Moreover, the mechanisms recommendation will continue to prompt archived films.

Meanwhile, the timeline on Facebook is one big mystery. Archival films disappear somewhere in the depths service and really difficult to dig out. To find out, simply scroll through the timeline of a few months down. You can see then only the most interesting activity and get to a specific, more niche film is difficult, daunting, if not impossible.

nail in the coffin: search engine Google

Readers Spider’s Webb, as Technology fans well find themselves in the intricacies of websites. But look how the situation from the perspective of someone less is familiar. Such a person is part of the Google search engine slogan “iPhone 6s review” and the first thing he sees in the results, this video on YouTube.

Google’s algorithms in this regard are merciless for facebookowego video and it is not surprising. Facebook drastically cut ranges of posts with links to YouTube, and Google cuts posts from Facebook on its search engine.

So far the winner in this war is Google, and so far does not look for it to video content creators began to move to Facebook.

* Graphics: Shutterstock



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