Welcome to Monday ‘no makeup’. Let’s talk about ‘a bit of heat in winter’, with moments donated to others, those that give us the temperature. Summarize meeting charity for Hospice of the Good Samaritan, the guest of …
In the ‘History without patina’ premiere will hear a report Mariusz Kaminski Fri. ‘Kuśnierska tradition’, dedicated to the history of the fur and tanning in Kurow.
“Do I have to keep jumping high? No. You have to dare to be yourself, “said Stanislaw Celinska in the Old Theatre in Lublin. She was a guest Grazyna Lutoslawski.
Today, on the eve of birth anniversary of the unforgettable Janis Joplin, as well as the first presentation in 1977 album “Animals” by Pink Floyd concerts recall the provisions of these contractors. In addition, especially for fans of Dead Can Dance (pictured.) …
The mechanism of denial is a function of the body’s self-defense,
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