Do you know that it’s been half a year since the debut of Google Cardboard glasses? On this occasion, Google praised the results that give light on whether the VR in a cheap edition makes sense.
Google in mid-January appointed a completely new department, who will deal with only the development of VR. The new head of virtual reality – Clay Bavor – decided to show off on the company’s blog statistics Cardboard cardboard glasses.
For the last 19 months Google sold and given away more than 5 million pairs of its cardboard glasses. A lot? Not enough?
On a scale of Google such an outcome is almost microscopic, especially if we compare it with the number Android users, whether this giant network services. VR is a fledgling field, however, and has to start somewhere.
Google’s numbers look interesting on a background of a different world tech innovations, or ubieralnych devices. In 2014 we sold the world around 5 million smartwatchów, and in 2015 by an impressive 35 million. Such a large jump was due to both the debut of new, better and better devices and development platforms. With VR may be the same, especially since in 2016 the market (and with it the awareness of clients) spin up thanks to the premiers ‘adult’ goggles Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR and HTC Vive.
At the end of last year There was a surge of interest in VR glasses
Perhaps the craze for VR has already begun, because Google users Cardboard alone in November and December pulled as many applications as in the period from February to November. Interest in applications is gaining momentum so. Since its inception, Google Cardboard VR applications have been installed more than 25 million times. Averaging over five installation on the user. I can see by yourself that is quite reliable results.
The Google Play store is already more than 1000 applications compatible with Cardboard and most popular is the game Chair in A Room. This kind of interactive horror, where he repeatedly jumped up on a chair. Another site include: VRSE to watch various scenes in 360 degrees, and the game Lamper VR Caaaaardboard! and Proton Pulse.
Google clearly does not include the top YouTube application that is not strictly VR application, but at this moment has the most content that can be viewed in Cardboard glasses. You can see it in the statistics, because users cardboard glasses viewed on YouTube more than 350 thousand. VR
To my surprise icing on the cake, however, is the camera application, which is brilliant in its simplicity Cardboard camera. Users created with its help more than 750 thousand. photos. Statistics can be but slightly far-fetched, because in fact to use this camera does not need glasses VR. If you have not had occasion to use this application, highly recommended.
Finally, Google boasts of using VR goggles in education. 500 thousand. students have had the opportunity to virtually travel with cardboard.
What’s next from Google Cardboard?
In comparison, Google does not really count themselves Cardboard glasses. Cardboard goggles that only pass to the world of VR and I feel that the time will come when Google will give it away for free. What is more interesting is the development of applications and content available for viewing with glasses. You can see that virtual reality is becoming more and more popular both users and content providers, and this is most important.
Ironically, the greatest impetus to the development of VR can be … porn industry. In the end, thanks to the video on the Web (and therefore to some extent even YouTube) is now standard. If adult movies propagated the use of VR, the whole would go on alone. Perhaps Google quietly hoping for just such a development situation.
So far, 2,016 years, however, promises to be a feast of players who finally receive the long-awaited sets with built-in screen. I am sure that the premiere of “large” devices will affect the benefit of the interest in cheap spectacles Google. All the time I wait, however, VR glasses genuine that Google could create with the help of technology partner as it is now a place with a line of Nexus smartphones. I hope that’s what created a new department VR on Google.


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