1 hr. 5 minutes ago
The Consortium, which leads Creotech Instruments SA won the tender for construction in Poland of a prototype infrastructure that provides data and computing power for applications supporting services based on Earth observation. The “EO INNOVATION PLATFORM testbed POLAND” is one of the largest spacecraft ever commissioned by the European Space Agency Polish entities. The value of the project exceeds 8 million.
Most of us use the data supplied by circling the Earth orbit satellites associated with the satellite navigation system and action films in which military satellites to help locate and track suspected of a crime or foreign intelligence agents. Satellite data are, however, much wider application and their role in the years to come.
– The competitiveness of the Polish economy depends mainly on investment in innovation, which, thanks undertaken by the Ministry of Development activities will soon driver for change not only technological, but above all social – says Jadwiga Emilewicz, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development – I welcome the fact that cooperation with the ESA meets with great interest of Polish companies and scientific research units. Certainly, it is a chance to further dynamic development of domestic enterprises and facilitates access to new technologies.
– today commercial earth observation satellites provide data used by private companies representing a very broad spectrum of industries, as well as public institutions and research – says Monika Krzyżanowska, responsible for business development in Creotech Instruments SA – The data collected by Earth observation satellites provide current knowledge about the risks of fire and flood monitoring river levels and the condition of agricultural crops, record the range and density of smog hovering over cities. They also allow you to observe subtle changes in climate by recording the progress of the processes of desertification in particular areas or melting glaciers in the Arctic – lists Krzyżanowska.
The largest such cloud in Poland
Within the project “EO INNOVATION PLATFORM Testbed POLAND “Poland created a powerful repository of Earth observation data collected by
The platform will be available for a fee, but representatives of the world of science will be treated preferentially. Companies providing commercial services data from the satellites will be able to use the dedicated system that operates on the computer infrastructure “CloudFerro EO Cloud”.
The consortium, headed by the leader of the Polish space industry, the company Creotech Instruments ARE also includes a national company CloudFerro Sp. zoo. and the German firm Brockmann Consult Ltd.
– Although from the point of view of the user data collection and processing will be carried out in the so-called. ‘cloud’ (cloud) computing these operations will require to create and maintain an extensive and complex server infrastructure, which will be built in our country and it will be the largest such plant in Poland. – Says Stanislav distance, Vice President CloudFerro – If the data that will be collected there, printed on paper, stacked tower of cards reached to the moon says Björn distance.
The architecture of the service is proprietary solution consortium members. Its primary advantage is the simultaneous sharing of satellite data along with the tools and computing power used to their treatment. Significantly reduce the cost and time needed to launch new and provision of existing services.
– The idea that motivates us is to build in Poland a strong service center associated with the processing and sharing of satellite information for the whole of Central Europe – says Grzegorz Brona, President Creotech Instruments SA – Creotech Instruments aims to integrate the potential of Polish companies from the space sector and stimulating its development. Winning the tender and the ability to expand cooperation with ESA, in particular in the provision of services based on satellite put, it is a very important step on this path – he added.
The project will last two years and will consist of two stages. The test service will begin after completion of the first stage of the rollout. Upon completion of testing services will be provided on a commercial basis.

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