Thursday, January 14, 2016

The dogs themselves are able to recognize emotions in people – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                          Dogs Opp & # x105; read & # x107; emotions of people under observation

Dogs know how to read emotions people on the basis of observations (Justin Black / 123RF)




Recent research shows that dogs are able to read human emotions, combining the information received different senses. To date, the ability was only observed in humans.


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For the first time scientists have shown that dogs must create abstract images of emotional states during follow-up. It's more than just playing learned reflexes in response to emotional states known to both people and other individuals of their species. The results of the research scientists published in the journal The Royal Society "Biology Letters" .

- Earlier studies have shown that dogs are able to distinguish human emotions based on eg. The facial expression, but this time we proved that it something more, something like emotional intelligence - says Dr Kun Guo of the University of Lincoln.

The study was conducted on 17 dogs, showing the combinations of images and sounds that provide a positive or negative attitude both man and another dog . These distinct sources of stimuli presented to the test animals, without giving their prior training. The researchers observed that the dogs a lot more attention devoted the pairs of stimuli (audio and video), which provide the same emotions. - Our research shows that dogs have the ability to connect with each other stimuli coming from different sources and create a coherent picture of them received emotions. This ability has so far been observed only in primates, where only men were able to read emotions in representatives of other species - he added.

This combination of stimuli received different senses testifies to the fact that dogs use the maps cognitive depicting the emotional states of other individuals, and not only within its genre.

Source : University of Lincoln



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Comments (3)



                                 Dogs are wise and noble. People? Very rarely.








                                 "The dogs themselves are able to recognize emotions in people,"
    Though this sounds shocking: recent studies also show that dogs can bark alone. Completely without help.











                                 But the "test" ...
    course that the dogs recognize emotions in humans.





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