Friday, January 29, 2016

The jacket, which will warm you up by using solar energy – Virtual Poland

  We have already seen the clothes that by using solar energy can replace us powerbanki. ThermalFabric came up with the idea of ​​how to focus on more mundane issue – maintaining proper temperature.

 The jacket is able to enhance “internal” clothing temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius in just two minutes. This process is stopped when optimum temperature is reached. “Smart” material, which is hidden inside the jacket, it gets exactly as much energy from UV radiation as it needs to warm your body of its host. Clothes breathable protecting the body from overheating and protects the owner against the cold on cold days.

 ThermalFabric uses a patented their technology, which includes three shell of material – including one with a stainless steel fibers. The whole is thin like two sheets of paper, so the jacket is lightweight and does not limit the movements of the carrier. Not to mention the water resistance and the possibility of a regular wash the jacket in the washing machine, as well as several variations of color and style. The cheapest model of the jacket ($ 139) is able to maintain

proper internal temperature at an outside temperature of 10-0 degrees Celsius, while the most expensive ($ 189) will work in extreme temperatures (-10 to -20 degrees Celsius).

 Indiegogo campaign is very successful so the first jacket should go to customers in around August this year – just before the new autumn-winter season.


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