Friday, January 22, 2016

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One – a new generation of unfulfilled promises. But is it wrong? –

In February the air of 3 years from the announcement of the PlayStation 4 . The console had its premiere in November 2013, but the first concrete and official information we got just the end of February 2013. Sony will be a very enjoyable anniversary. Playstation 4 was a huge success, today the console has more than 35 million people around the world.

A little worse outcome can boast of Microsoft – Xbox One , announced in May 2013, sold out so far in the number of 18 million. Although if Microsoft loses the fight, there is no right to be unhappy. Sales continue to grow, and in July of last year, Phil Spancer stressed that the Xbox One enjoys greater popularity than the Xbox 360 at the same time of release. That’s something.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (despite everything) linked success – for Microsoft and Sony were successful three years after the announcement of equipment. But look at these successful consoles from a different perspective – as examples of unfulfilled promises.

Where are the beautiful game?

turned on This attention to the Twitter Bloodergo , who wrote that a lot of games shown on the first announcements of the PlayStation 4 still did not work out. Disreputable model is here Deep Down. The game from Capcom studios are enjoying a picture of the premiere conferences related to the PS4 and next was silence. Although we got trailers, but we still do not know when Deep Down appears. Engine Panta Rhea was supposed to be a presentation of the possibilities of new generation consoles. Captivated, he attracted attention, promised a powerful graphics on the PlayStation 4 and suggested what we can to the new generation of consoles expected.

After three years of the trailer still do not have the game and still do not know when Deep down we play. Actually, we might ask: whether he will play in Deep Down . Today, despite appearances, it is not so sure – officially the game is in production, but specific information related to the launch of the no. Example The Last Guardian shows that you can work indefinitely.

Big impression was made by Quantum Break, presented at the first show of the Xbox One. It’s a game from the studio Remedy, the creators of the series Max Payne and Alan Wake. Trailer did not show the actual gameplay, but it was made on the game engine, so he sparked the imagination. So, just for such effects we wanted a new generation. A year later, Gamescom , Microsoft boasted already gameplay, so the actual gameplay, which increased interest in the game.

game that so far has not come out . The current release date is in April this year. Is this time manages to keep it? Hopefully, because Quantum Break waiting far too long.

What unites these two games: Deep Down and Quantum Break? Former announcement and promise of the possibility of a new generation. Showing them at the first conference, so were the titles that were to make it right for these games we decide to bet on Microsoft or Sony. Yes, in the meantime we got other “incentives” but this Deep Down and Quantum Break shown at the beginning, promising amazing results. After almost three years since the announcement and well over 2 years of launch consoles, the promises were not realized .

A list of games “promised” in the period between the announcement of consoles for their release, which from winter 2013 to autumn 2013 is much greater. PlayStation 4 still waiting, eg. On the lovely Rime of the Shadow of the Beast, the title of a well-known playing on the Amiga, who had to return to the PlayStation 4. In 2013, Blow intriguing announced the Xbox One, and the game still had not appeared, and still do not even a specific release date.

We could translate Sony and Microsoft that it is not entirely their fault – after all messed game developers. The problem is that giants and so are somewhat responsible because I promote these games on the premiere conferences and the first months of the announcement of equipment. It was a sign that these games have tempted us. Maybe no one declared that we will get them on release equipment, but more than two years of being late is a gross exaggeration.

And besides, there’s another problem. Not all hardware promises have been fulfilled .

Two years is not enough

Sony has won a lot of unrealized tasks. One year after the launch of the PlayStation 4 service CVG wypunktował options that were found in the console, and after more than 12 months since their debut still missing. Worse, we do not find them even today. Speaking here, eg. For rapid start-up and continue the game console in a place where you left

off. PS4 needs some time before it is ready for operation.

I still can not demo to stream games only need to be downloaded to disk. The cooperation with the PlayStation Camera’s probably no one remembers, and yet the camera were to be used on the PS4. Sharing the gameplay is functioning relatively recently, like automatic downloading of games, which can be interested – in order to save our time. Except that this is a very limited option. The system only once proposed that I bought Destiny: The Taken King, automatically downloading the game. It would be a great addition for those who do not have time to keep track of gaming news and thus be informed about the new games available (which has quietly taken on the disk). Sony very rarely, this feature goes.

The power of the cloud

The first conference, Microsoft was mentioned about the “power of the cloud”. Xbox one could be relieved, because as part of the process would be responsible cloud. And thus, increase the productivity of the console. Except that so far the cloud is still used to things related games multiplayer whether such trifles as Artificial Intelligence . On one of videos featuring the ability to use external servers, we saw that meaning may be much, much bigger:

can be traced to all plot – the company deliberately put us in error promise impossible, and we naively and so we buy, believing all what we show. What’s worse, we do not require the implementation of promises.

Sort of something in it – Kinect and so sold has been exemplary, although it was not the same controller, as announced at the conference:

But console manufacturers have a different problem. Unlike smartphones, tablets and even televisions, the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One is outfits for years. A year or two since the launch does not appear in the new model: faster, stronger, nicer. Yes, some changes related to the appearance or such. Size is entered (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 lived to see the Slim version), but in spite of all the little things. When buying a console, we guarantee that behind 3-4 in the shops will be more or less the same hardware. Maybe cheaper, but certainly not better technically than the one that we already have. This warranty does not have people buying a new computer or smartphone.

Not everything at once

When all makes, changes, goes revolutions, consoles, it would seem, are facing in place of. Delaying certain functions is therefore a good way to do this to console still alive. We can piss off the ability to play MP3 files or sharing gameplay was released several months after the launch of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One option is still waiting on releasing music in the background. After all, it should be available right away!

But on the other hand, we have the impression that lying under the TV consoles continue to develop. It was through further system updates. Apparently this is the same PlayStation 4, which we bought in 2013, but still different. Better!

It’s more a bane of our times, and not intentionally manipulative treatment. I still want news, additions, changes. In the case of the console that’s not ulepszymy processor or newer graphics card, it is difficult. It is impossible to also release new models every 1-2 years. Today, thanks to updates, you can enrich the functions. The owners are pleased with the news, undecided see that opportunities come, so worth it in the end go to the store for the console.

Ironically delaying the premier high-profile games or important functions not annoy, but stimulates appetite . It increases the interest and attention. Cruel, ugly manipulation and playing on emotions? Rather, “these days”. Nothing can stand in the place, nothing can be done right away. ‘Cause it quickly bored.


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