Work on self-tracking in cars Google are intense for several years. Progress has: vehicles pretty well cope with changing lanes, stopping at the right time, they can independently find the right path. Still, they are not used commercially, still on the chair next to a digital driver sits a man who, if necessary, can take control over the machine.
Autonomous cars from the kitchen
Steve Levy, an American journalist, He was invited to the Google research center at Castle Air Force Base. In this former military base engineers are working on improving the Google product. It is also a place where trained drivers who have gotten the ability of inactivity car – persons who watch over the passenger seat of a digital driver. Levy was one of them.
Read also: They deprive us of the license. Meet the cars of the future
The testers had to hire because of the grandiose plans. The company has come to the conclusion that you have to collect enough data. So we set a goal: autonomous vehicles Google must overcome 170 thousand. kilometers. Too much to this task they handled themselves engineers and programmers.
Edition “license not to engage in” is not an easy process. Normally takes a month, a special course lasts eight hours a day. Not to engage in a car is not nearly as exciting as it might seem. Many could even be considered a boring task – especially when it comes to being ready when an artificial mind tries to park perfectly between the lines painted on the parking lot. A little more exciting it gets in traffic or on the highway.
At this time Google has 53 test vehicles. These include the Lexus and familiar with a slightly later news reports, “garbuski”. All have the same limitation: the maximum speed is 40 km / h. They move on public roads with two “nieprowadzącymi” drivers in the middle.
Are you a good driver?
To watch over the actions of their vehicles Google needs special people. Good drivers. But not those who demonstrate a mastery of drift. No. They must be good observers. They have to constantly watch over something algorithms do not understand – on the social aspect of driving.
The course of the law “niejazdy” contains so all those elements that can create problems. Digital assistant driver must go through the crowded streets suburban suburbs to cope with traffic lights, rain. He must be ready for the inappropriate behavior of other road users.
See the world through the eyes of the car
Google assisting Drivers can use a laptop with special software called x_view. Lets you see the world in a way he sees it as a car.
Each object is presented in the form of geometric solid. On board the Google car has a particular language. When it rains command “Alien object or pollution” need special care. Google does not want to, without having to invade at any branch or another unknown object. Every problem, every intervention in the self-driving, are recorded and described – thus creating described in detail map of places that caused any problems.
The big red button

Fig. Google / YouTube
The panel between the front seats is a special red button. It is used assistants to immediately take control of the vehicle. This button is a symbol because “threw him”, officials from the California Department of Communications. For safety reasons, do not let on Google tests cars without drivers in the middle. Not even provided a list of conditions under which Google would have to meet in order to make this possible.
People who could let Google cars on the road, do not convince even the impressive statistics. Google has not resulted so far not a single collision. Among other things, the development of scenarios for 13 different situations that lead to them.
As he writes in his material Daniel Maikowski right not keep up with technology.
American The Department of Transportation has created a five-step scale automation vehicles. Level “0″ means a car with a driver. The level “4″ – a fully autonomous vehicle that can be driven on roads without any human intervention. Legislative way from level “0″ to level “4″ will certainly be long and winding. But new research organization of the National League of Cities shows that as much as 94 percent. American cities today is not ready for autonomous cars. The problem is both underdeveloped road infrastructure, as well as lack of appropriate legislative solutions.
For a real revolution, they want Google and Tesla still a little wait. Fortunately, more and more companies, , among others, Intel , invests in technologies that strongly bring us to the point where it does not we will carry on.
Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, admitted once that he deeply believes in the future of self-steering cars.
“In a hundred years, people watching old movies will burst with laughter seeing people carrying cars,” – he said.
How close are the order and do we really want? The coming years will show it, the revolution is already very close.
On the basis

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