Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Orange: calls and SMS without limit and 8 GB for 28 zł offers prepaid for transferring the number – wirtualnemedia.pl

The service can be activated in the first 12 months internship in Orange, unless the customer decides to select cyclic, in which special conditions will apply as long as the service will be active.

Moreover, transferring your number Orange Free for Charter, where charging the account for 30 zł receive an additional 6 GB of internet, the new service activation the customer will receive unlimited calls and SMS to all networks and 14 GB internet for use within a month.

Service “Talking and Texting without limit to all + 8 GB for carrying the number” is activated by sending an SMS to number 696 on the content of the START (version single) or START CYCLE (in cycling), enter the code * 102 * 74 # (once) or * 102 * 75 # (cyclically) and confirm by pressing the connection or application My Orange.

The promotion does not include numbers from the offer nju mobile.

Author: km

More information Orange,

Orange Card


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