Monday, January 18, 2016

Netflix Samsung Smart TV – Interia

47 minutes ago

Netflix service is available on TVs from Samsung Smart TV platform.

Netflix available on the platform Samsung Smart TV

/ press releases

Netflix, which is the largest platform for VOD in the world , expanded its operations by a further 130 countries, hitting also Polish. It’s a good opportunity to look at it more closely and see what the Netfliksie can expect the Polish user. read more

Samsung Electronics announced that one of the most popular VOD platforms has been available since early January on TV Smart TV from 2014 and 2015 year. For your convenience, along with the other most popular applications has been placed in the “Featured”. Just go to the Samsung Smart TV, register on the site and use the 30-day test period, or to subscribe to access the current offer films and TV series. Some titles can already be seen in the Polish language – with subtitles, voice-over or


Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Hannibal, Orange Is the New Black – productions prepared for Polish consumers, that certainly will please lovers of serialowych hits . The offer Netflix can also find dozens of films and documentaries in the Polish language, as well as a number of proposals for children, such as Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar and Shrek.

Article from category: Audio-Video

Press release / INTERIA.PL


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