reported a strange failure Allegro service. Some of the users have found that access to their accounts received a completely different person. A similar situation has users OLX belonging to the same owner.
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– We have introduced a new update code, which unfortunately caused problems – explains the spokesman Allegro, Paul Klimiuk – The system has been restarted, services and service functions are now restored.
Klimiuk adds that it was not a hacker attack. Allegro user data are safe. There is no decision yet whether the service will pay compensation for listings that due to an error did not come to fruition. But it will be communicated through various channels Allegro.
Service responded as quickly and closed the service for users. The situation was in fact dangerous – because of the enormous amount of auction could lead to all sorts of abuse.
One reader sent in to us screenshots not your account, and complained that someone probably logged into his account because several of the auction was “completed” (and he did not perform such an action.) – describes Niebezpiecznik.
Fot. Allegro / Facebook
The first signs of problems emerged in the morning – Allegro users have reported on the facebook profile of the service that they see not their listings.
The service is already available, all services and functions should work properly.

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