Tuesday, January 19, 2016

“QWERTY” or “123456″? Here are the worst passwords of the world – Gazeta.pl

Internet, from year to year, it becomes less and less safe place. Cybercriminals are discovering more effective ways to steal our personal information, private documents, and even money. The report’s Splash Data, which deals with the broader security in IT, but argued that online robbers in most cases need not, however, specifically to try to get what they want.

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SplashData once again prepared a ranking of the most popular Internet passwords in the world. The ranking was based on an analysis of several million passwords that in the last year were stolen by cybercriminals. The results of the analysis made by Splash date would be considered shocking, if not for the fact that we have already got used to them. In short, most surfers totally not interested in their network security.

Therefore, the most popular slogan in the last 12 months was to “123456″. It is worth noting that Internet users particularly fond of the simple strings of digits that appear six times in the top ten rankings. Other extremely popular password is “password” (2nd place). “Qwerty” (4th place), “football” (7th place) and “Baseball” (10th place).

Interestingly, among the 25 worst passwords we have a few newcomers. On-site there were 23 slogan “solo” and 25 – “starwars”. This is not the case, and the effect of a gigantic popularity of “Star Wars” in 2015, which was associated with the December launch of the next part of the saga.

Here fullness list of 25 worst passwords of the world:

  • 123456 (unchanged)
  • password (unchanged)
  • 12345678 (+ 1)
  • qwerty (+ 1)
  • 12345 (-2)
  • 123456789 (unchanged)
  • football (3)
  • 1234 (-1)
  • 1234567 (2)
  • baseball (-2)
  • welcome (new)
  • 1234567890 (new)
  • abc123 (1)
  • 111111 (1)
  • 1qaz2wsx (new)
  • dragon (-7)
  • Master (2)
  • Monkey (-6)
  • letmein ( -6)
  • username (new)
  • Princess (new)
  • qwertyuiop (new)
  • Solo (new)
  • passw0rd (new)
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