Friday, January 15, 2016

Porn, Czejeni and Star Wars Kid or 15 things on the 15th anniversary of Wikipedia –

Fifteen years ago, when he officially founded Wikipedia, nobody even dreamed of a smartphone, YouTube, music from the cloud. The Internet offered a much less attractive visual content, because the performance of contemporary computers could not bear virtually no multimedów.

Read also: In this vein Poland, when he started Facebook.

So how do we change the world ?

1. Websites . One glance at the page below explains a lot. In early 2001, our portal looked quite modestly. The first thing that strikes the eye is the almost total absence of images. Nobody would be patient enough to wait for them to load. for time & # XF3; Windows XP

Photo .

2. Internet connections. Exactly the same day that he was born Wikipedia also launched Neostrada – the first service of TPSA, which changed the country in terms of access to the network. Offered speeds ranged from 256 kb / s to 2 Mbit / s at prices ranging from 30 to … 1500 zł. Previously, users were forced to internet dial-up, sifting through the web as part of cheaper night package.

In 2001, he basically does not “konsumowaliśmy” content via the Internet, you could not just like that play each video. songs, browse the gallery dozens of photos.

3. YouTube. When I was born Wikipedia YouTube did not exist. A user getting video content much less than today. This is demonstrated by the statistics: in 2005 the service daily play 8 million clips. Today, this value is … four billion.

What kind of video you can hit in 2001 on the web? At the dancing kid (founded in 1996)

… that’s about it … Even the “oldies” such as Star War Kid arose later – this particular film in 2003. By the way, cordially urge, to stop laugh at that poor kid who did not know that it is recorded, and a wave of hatred, what happened to him after the publication of the video ended with almost a tragedy.

Since there was no YouTube how you could look recordings? It was not so easy in an era when the modem gave the up to 56kb kb / s, Adobe Flash was still widely unknown. Watched it, which managed to download the file, the year 2001 was a time of eternal waiting for any kind of content.

There was no YouTube, muzuki so not watched, and listened to MP3 files. It is they who were the main aim of finding out who’s in the network, they filled disks and flash drives.

4. Social networking sites and instant messaging. The first in They did not actually exist. In Poland, the king was intenetowej communication applications such as e-mail or mIRC. People, like today, they wanted to maintain contact with each other, they did so mainly through online conversations. Photos and videos can not replace words like today, rather than embed the video of the concert, rather than publish selfie could only everything very precisely tell.


​​ Fig. mat. Manufacturer

MySpace and Facebook were created only a few years after Wikipedia

5. Computers. blaster 15 years ago had the power, which today probably would not be enough even to conveniently review this page. Too many scripts, animation, content. In 2001 fondest dream was a computer with an Intel Pentium IV. In the houses we had machines based on the Pentium III, 128-512 MB of RAM … “Leap of civilization” for a user who had never ileśtamset megabytes of memory, but 1GB.

Compaq Presario 8000z

Fig. Compaq

6.System. Wikipedia is older even than Windows XP. The most iconic Microsoft system was introduced only in October 2001. The debut was not the light, because some journalists shaking her little nose

“Despite considerable system requirements (Pentium II-300, 128MB RAM, 1.5GB free disk space), the annoying activation of [...] should consider changing flights . If you do not immediately then when you buy a new computer “. – CNET reported.

7.Telefony. In 2001, the average consumer had no idea that something like a smartphone could exist at all. This is the era phones such as Siemens S45, with a monochrome screen with a resolution of 101×80 pixels. It was the first model Siemens GPRS modem – if someone at the time tried using such equipment to connect to the network could be considered brave. Firstly, because of the time that you had to spend to look through anything, and secondly because of the price data.

The promotional offer “3G Package Plus Siemens’ consisted of two phones at attractive prices, supporting packet data transmission GPRS along with promotional rates for access – via GPRS – Internet (3 gr. / 100 KB) and WAP pages (3 gr / 10 KB). – Summed up the year 2001 plus.

Nokia 3310

​​ photo. Nokia

The year 2001 is Nokia’s golden era – models 3310 and 6210 when the market was dominated

Also read: Old phones were charm. Do you still remember these models?

8.Czas iPod. When Wikipedia was born was born a musical revolution. Apple launched the first model of your player. iPod was the iPhone that era. To this day it is a symbol of Apple’s strategy: take an ordinary object and make it a cult. Czarono-white display did not bother anyone, it’s important that the machine was located 1000

songs. In Poland, the iPod was obviously a rarity, but dominated by other less “prestigious” mp3 players. About Spotify nobody even dreamed of.


Fig. ArsTechnica

The most interesting facts about Wikipedia

Time to look at the history of the same Wikipedia. How has changed the world’s largest online encyclopedia?

9.Wikipedia and the porn industry . Wikipedia was not the first idea for life, for which burst its founder. Jimmy Wales in 1996 founded Bomis service. In the official biography scrap we read that it was a “portal dealing with searching for information on various aspects of pop culture, which also sells own content”. However, reports about something quite different – Bomis was a party “dealing in mainly … distribution of pornography.” The reports are certainly not unfounded, because the website advertised Sylvia Saint, one of the stars of the porn.

Wed & # x142; ug many & # x17A; r & # XF3; de & # x142; by & # x142; o & # x17C, founder of Wikipedia, create & # x142; portal, KT & # XF3; rice he holds & # x142; a & # x119; distribution & # x105; porn

Fig. YouTube

10.Wikipedia for everyone. One of the main advantages of Wikipedia is its enormous reach. It is available in 262 languages ​​- even in Cheyenne.

11. Wikipedia is a real encyclopedia. Although many doubts this, claiming that the real encyclopedias can be found in libraries. Blog “Mr. Russell’s teapot” tried to resolve this issue by referring to various studies. In 2005. Compared to 42 randomly-selected passwords were found after 4 errors. In a study conducted this year compared to 490 articles, fewer errors noted in Wikipedia. On the other hand, comparing the quality of information about medicines Wikipedia loses to Medscape. Is it possible to unequivocally identify a better source of knowledge? It depends on what we accept the criteria. The Britannica find 65 thousand. passwords, Wikipedia nearly 4 million. But, writes Mashable website Britannica is created by 4,000 people, “and among them 110 Nobel Prize winners and five presidents”. Wikipedia creates while 750 thousand. persons “among them thy neighbor”

13. The biggest Wikipedia blunders. were due mainly users. Open Wikipedia model makes everyone can make a part of their knowledge, building a more perfect encyclopedia. But it is also a door to all sorts of pranksters who want to bring others into error. The biggest hoax is probably password on a fictitious historical figure, Henryk Batuta. First appeared on the Polish version of the encyclopedia, and then on the other. This entry has not been seen for nearly fifteen months, in the meantime annotations on the trampoline began to appear in other passwords to authenticate his existence, as well as on other websites devoted to the history, communism and Jews.

Today vandals inflict on Wikipedia far less damage. Notorious introduction of malignancies has led to the fact that who wants to edit Wikipedia must log on, so that if necessary, the account may be suspended. ADSL service users can not edit the Wikipedia without logging in – 524 228 IP addresses were blocked in August last year.

14. The first million. Polish Wikipedia has won already well over one million articles. This jubilee, dating 2013 , concerned the competition …. Armenian league. Barcragujn Chumbe is the name of the league. Players struggling in it for the win 23 times. With the entry in Wikipedia, we learn that after 24 matches and 74 watched the gates at the head table slipped out Pyunik Yerevan with 12 points. The point worse result was achieved Ararat Yerevan, another eye following is Mika Ashtarak.

This article is the best proof of how diverse and rich is Wikipedia.

15. Wikipedia has a “conservative rival” – Conservapedia created by American conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, advocates of creationism. With encyclopedia we learn, among other things, that what is the age of the Earth calculated on the basis of the Bible. According to James Ussher, the Anglican archbishop, the Earth was created in the evening on October 22 4004 years BC, Expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise was, according to him come November 10th of the same year.


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