Sunday, August 17, 2014

Astronomer: in front of us a rare meeting on the celestial sphere – Science in Poland (PAP)

 On the morning of August 18 comes to a very rare meeting on the celestial sphere, with the participation of Venus, Jupiter and bright open cluster – told PAP Assoc. Arkadiusz Olech Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

As explained astronomer, with a conjunction we have to do when on the celestial sphere meet two bodies. This phenomenon is all the more impressive, with their lighter bodies have to deal with. In his view, the conjunction, which occurs on a Monday morning, deserves to be called superkoniunkcji.

“First of all, meet the two brightest planets in the sky now, that Venus and Jupiter. Secondly, the minimum distance separating them will amount to only 12 minutes of arc. As if that were not enough, the meeting will practically on the background of stars belonging to one of the brightest clusters in our sky, or Praesepe (crib) located in the constellation of Cancer “- described by Dr. Olech.

Venus and Jupiter will be closest to each other at August 18. 7.21 our time. “At this time there is no longer a day, so best to go to the observations about an hour before sunrise, or about 4.30 hours of our time – advised scientist. – Both the

planet and the cluster crib then we find less than 10 degrees above the eastern horizon.”

He said that Venus and Jupiter dojrzymy no problems with the naked eye, because they are the brightest planet in the sky, whose brilliance is second only to the moon appearing then in the final quarter. To see the stars in a cluster Praesepe, we had to use binoculars or a telescope. You will then see the Galilean (ie, the four largest) moons of Jupiter.

Astronomer encouraged to observe, because so spectacular conjunction extremely rare. “If the weather does not append August 18, try a 17 or 19 August. Meeting will not be as close, but the sight of Venus and Jupiter shining about one degree of each other also makes an impression” – added Dr. Olech.

PAP – Science and Scholarship in Poland

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