More than a dozen coming night will also be attractive mainly for those who do not sleep shortly before sunrise: at this time of day, you can watch the two brightest planets in the Solar System, Venus or Jupiter, and at the end of the week will join them approaching the new moon the moon. Every next day lunar disk will be getting narrower crescent phase and will be less and less disturb the observations of other objects in the sky. In the evening, barely visible planets are Mars and Saturn, and most of the night you can watch the last two planets orbiting the Sun, Uranus or Neptune. The second planet for 10 days will be in opposition to the Sun, while the opposition Uranus falls in early October.
The most attractive phenomenon this week was to bring Venus and Jupiter at a distance of less than half the angular diameter of the sun or moon disc, which took place on the night of Sunday 17 to Monday 18 August. Who got up early in the morning, he could see a beautiful pair of planets against the background of a morning dawn. Unfortunately, in Poland the weather was basically just on the outskirts of the eastern and southern. Besides, Clear was traditionally this time of year in the Mediterranean and east of the borders of our country.
In the following days Venus will gradually move away from Jupiter, approaching the horizon and at the same time away from the Earth. Thus, each subsequent morning, the second planet from the Sun will be visible from bad to worse. In contrast, Jupiter will be shot up, which will move in exactly the opposite direction than Venus, and every day its visibility will improve, because Jupiter will not only be above the horizon, but also closer to our planet. Therefore, the distance between the two planets will grow fast. On Monday, August 18, 45 minutes before dawn (at this time are made maps animation) Venus and Jupiter were located at a height of more than 7.5 degrees above the horizon ENE. Sunday August 24 at the same time Jupiter will rise to a height of more than 11 °, while Venus will be almost 1 ° closer to the horizon than on Monday. Therefore, the last morning of this week Venus will be away from Jupiter has about 6 °.
Very close to both planets are known open cluster of stars of M44. On Monday morning, both Venus and Jupiter were little more than 1 ° from it, which was able to photograph the area around the city of Bari in southern Italy. In the following days the two planets will move away from the cluster M44, but Venus will be doing a lot faster than Jupiter. On Sunday 24 August the second planet from the Sun will be away from the M44 for nearly 7 °, while Jupiter will still be away for a little more than 1 ° (in the middle of the week the two celestial bodies will share a distance of less than 1 °). At the end of the week Jupiter come within half a degree to the south-east, while the brightest star of the trapezium stars surrounding M44, which Asellus Australis (δ Cnc), which shines with the brightness of the observed magnitude 3.9.
Venus all Time is moving away from the Earth, striving to top the October conjunction with the Sun, that is, from the perspective of our planet passing behind the Sun. Therefore, the disc is very small, a diameter of 10 ‘or more than six times smaller than in conjunction lower in January. Venus has a very large phase and 96% to October, it would still grow, albeit very slowly. Constant for This level will glow of this planet, who stopped for a long time on the value of -3.9 magnitude. Unlike in the case of Jupiter, which gradually will shine, and his shield will grow. Currently, the largest planet in the solar system has brightness -1, 8 magnitude, and the shield has a diameter of 32 “.
Throughout the week, the two planets will be accompanied by the moon, which on Monday morning had a phase of 44%, shining high in the sky in the morning, at a height of almost 50 °, about 8 ° south of the Pleiades, and at the same time almost the same distance from Aldebaran, although only 4 ° from you idiot located in the “V”, which are arranged in the Hyades, γ Tauri stars.
Twenty-four hours later the moon move several degrees east and in phase 34% will illuminate approximately 5 ° east of Aldebaran, and almost 13 ° to the southwest of the star El Nath. On Wednesday, August 20th phase of the Moon will be reduced to 25% longer, and it can be seen more than 11 ° south of El Nath (ie the northern corner of the Bull) and 4 ° south of the star ζ Tauri, a corner of the south.
On Thursday 21 August natural satellite of the Earth approaching at a distance only slightly more than 1 ° to Alheny, which is the third brightest star Gemini. This star shines a little less to El Nath (magnitude +1.9 compared to +1.6, and the moon phase disc will be only 17%, so definitely the two celestial bodies will form a beautiful pair on already shining sky.
Weekend Moon booked a meeting with Jupiter and Venus. As I said two planets are far enough from each other, but the presence of a thin lunar crescent will add to the charm and definitely worth perpetuate this conjunction of the picture. On Sunday, August 23 45 minutes before dawn the moon will be located at a height of nearly 11 °, and his shield phase will
A dozen hours later (or a few hours earlier) on the other side of the sky, you can watch the next two easily visible to the naked eye planets, namely Mars and Saturn. Both planets are on the background of the constellation Libra, near the second brightest star of this constellation, though on maps of the sky denoted by the Greek letter α, ie Zuben Elgenubi. Both planets have the best time visibility long behind him and move with simple, that is, from west to east. Mars makes it much faster than Saturn and next week will overtake him in the sky. Also next week, the two planets together with the star Zuben Elgenubi will form an isosceles triangle with a side almost about 3 °.
overtake Mars Saturn not only in terms of position in the sky, but also in terms of brightness. At the end of the week the two planets will be almost identical brightness of 0.6 magnitudes. In order not to confuse with each other planets must remember that Mars travels south of Saturn, and that the red planet shines clearly rdzawopomarańczową color, while Saturn is wax white. Will also vary the size of discs of both worlds: a shield of Mars now has a diameter of 7 “, while the Saturn – about 9″ higher, but due to the low position of the two planets is difficult to be seen by telescopes from northern latitudes. Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, its greatest elongation (this time eastern) reaches on Saturday 23 August, but for the same reasons it is difficult to be seen in the sky.
For most of the night you can watch the last two planets of the solar system, namely Uranus and Neptune are in the dark sky! Both planets divides the sky about 40 ° and are located in adjacent, but the vast constellations of Aquarius (Neptune) and Pisces (Uranus). Opposition Neptune falls this year on August 29, therefore, is on the horizon almost all night, towering at about 1 am, which is about the true north at about 28 °. In contrast, Uranus will be in opposition at the beginning of October and rises about 21:00, towering at about 3:30 at the height of 44 °.
In view of the proximity of the opposition Neptune currently has a maximum brightness for the entire season observation 7 8 magnitude, but the shield has a diameter smaller than 2.5 arcseconds, which is why telescopes with diameters less than at least 20 a few inches (and it is rather closer to 30) do not expect her to see and Neptune will reveal its only the presence of a slow motion against the stars. Finding Neptune can start finding a lot lighter than the star σ Aquarii, the observed brightness of a 4.8 magnitude. Less than 20 ‘south-east of it is a shining radiance 6.4 magnitude 58 Aquarii. Currently Neptune is within 49 minutes of arc northeast of σ AQR, and in the next few weeks will be approached her. In his quest definitely worth recourse to a map of the sky, for example. So prepared in the Night Watcher (
Znajdujący the Uranus in Pisces is much brighter than Neptune, brilliance 5.7 magnitude, and so the dark sky can be spotted with the naked eye. However, looking at him for a very large telescope also do not expect to see anything more than the stars. His finding is easier also because it glows around fairly bright stars δ and ε Fish, whose brightness observed is about 4.3 magnitude. Currently, the seventh planet of the solar system is slightly less than 2.5 degrees almost exactly south of the star ε Psc, while roughly one and a half degree east of the triangle of stars 73, 77 and 80 Psc (the inset it can be seen near the lower left edge of the insert) . In the following weeks, Uranus will move to the west and by the end of November you will be able to find it south of the star δ Psc. In his quest well worth recourse to a map of the sky, for example. So prepared in the Night Watcher (
He added: Ariel Majcher – 2014-08-18 15: 57: 50 + 02
updated the Ariel Majcher – 2014-08-18 16: 00: 37 + 02
See related news (monthly sky)
time news added: 2014-08-18 15: 57: 50 + 02
time last updated: 2014-08-18 16:00 37 + 02
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