Friday, August 29, 2014

Neptune in opposition. It is worth watching! – Polish Radio

Opposition astronomers call an outer planet setting in which it shines exactly on the opposite side of the sky than the Sun. – This configuration always creates good conditions for observation of the body being in opposition – says dr hab. Arkadiusz Olech Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. – It is located high above the horizon since around midnight, making his observations are the easiest. In addition, its distance from Earth is the lowest, and thus the greatest brilliance – adds astronomer.

August 29, in the chair. 16.33 our time in opposition to the Sun was the farthest planet in the Solar System – Neptune. The planet shines in the

constellation of Aquarius and has a brightness of 7.8 magnitudes. – For the observation we have to use binoculars or a telescope. Around midnight, the planet will find less than 30 degrees above the southern horizon – advises Dr. Olech.

As the conditions for observation are now very good because the young moon does not bother even his light.

(ew / PAP-Science in Poland)


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