Monday, August 18, 2014

Windows 9 (Threshold) in September version of the technology preview? – NEWSFix Magazine


Many computer owners use Windows XP yet. A large part does not want to give up Windows 7 for new Windows 8 or the recently released 8.1 and waiting for us another novelty. Probably already in September, will see the light of day the newest invention from Microsoft Windows 9 (Threshold) technology preview version.

In the most recent windows according to various earlier leaks Microsoft intends to improve the niedotykowych devices that use a mouse and keyboard to interact with the computer. In addition, improved performance is the start menu and virtual desktops (this is what using ubuntu or osx already know

for a long time). Some predict that personal computers will also businesswoman with cell phone famous Cortana.

We’ll see if the plans are confirmed soon. Windows Version 9 technology preview will be available for free trial. The official launch of Windows 9 planowanowana is the spring of 2015.

Source: ZDNet, bgr

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