Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hewelisz satellite in space. On memory cards … – Gazeta.pl

On Tuesday, about four in the morning with a base in China brought out a new satellite. To commemorate the famous astronomer Hevelius bears the name.

will be photographed stars

Hevelius is the second Polish nanosatelitą, launched into orbit around the Earth. He reminds cubic cube of size 20 cm, and its task will be to observe the brightest stars. The satellite weighs only 6 kg join the Polish “Lem” and the other three Austrian and Canadian “brothers.”

Polish history satellites dating back to 2009, when the established Polish BRITE Project Consortium consisting of two institutions: the Centre for Space Research Polish Academy of Sciences and the Center for Astronomical them. Nicolaus Copernicus Polish Academy of Sciences. One of the projects was the construction of the Space Research Centre in Warsaw research satellites.

Names satellites – Hevelius and Lem – Internet users have chosen in a national competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2011.

– When we learned that the satellite is to be launched Hevelius orbit, we contacted the Polish consortium BRITE project and proceeded to promote the event. Hevelius in Gdansk comes after, and we do the popularization of astronomical topics astronaut – says Przemysław tumors, director of the Center Hewelianum. – On our exhibition “Energy, Sky and Sun” for three years, you can watch satellite model Hevelius, made by the Center for Space Research, in a scale of 1: 1. Through this collaboration, we will be the first Polish science center that will fly in space. Center organized

transmission, in which reference was made communication with Hevelius and CKB in Warsaw. The researchers were also in Gdansk, answered questions and explained the mission of the satellite.

– We will explore using pictures and videos celebrities. Their vibrations and internal structure. Check whether the theory, which was created to describe this structure is correct, and we have a sense of how the nuclear reactions take place inside the stars – said prof. Michael Rose of Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Gdańsk in space

As promised, President Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz, in Gdansk, yet sometimes you will hear about the “emissary into space.” On the wall of the satellites was engraved coat of arms of Danzig and the logotype Hewelianum Centre. Interestingly, the satellite is ready to … contact with an alien civilization.

The social cooperative “Cool Art” organized a campaign under the slogan “Send the photo in the Cosmos”. Collected images of the Polish population. On the memory card were five thousand photos and short videos.

During the ceremony to make contact with the satellite workshops took place with space for children. The youngest models filed satellites and participated in the fun “The Lord blot in space.”


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