Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Polish satellite launched on Hevelius. Scientists have established … – News 24

Researchers from the Centre for Space Sciences reported that managed to establish contact with the Polish satellite Hevelius, who was fired from the Chinese training ground.

/ Fig. By LukaszKatlewa (Own work ) [CC-BY-SA-4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons ” In the case of Lem were some problems, but the situation was simpler Hevelius. got a very good coordinates with the Chinese side, which failed to convert on the exact position of the satellite. Thanks to our radio station was able to quickly establish contact with the satellite – said Dr. Roman Wawrzaszek quoted by TVN Meteo. scientist estimated that the satellite signal was strong and stable.

Rocket Long March 4B launched from the Chinese training ground before 5 hours Central European

Time. 14 minutes after the start there was a separation from the rocket Hevelius.

Hevelius is a small satellite weighing 6 kg. It has the shape of a cube. Side length is 20 inches. It is equipped with a number of research instruments, including miniature telescopes, gyroscopes, cameras, sensors, radiation or arm to test plasma. Thanks to making radioindustry satellite transmitter will be able to track radio amateurs on Earth – gives Wyborcza.pl. The device is also equipped with information regarding our planet.

Hevelius join other Polish satellite named Lem. Its launch is part of the BRITE project – Bright Target Explorer Constellation. Together with the Austrian and Canadian facilities will observe the brightest stars.


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