Monday, August 18, 2014

Satellite Hevelius waiting for the launch of a Chinese rocket –

The design of the satellite ended in September 2013 laboratories Space Research Centre. Hevelius is a cubical with a side length of 20 cm, weighs less than 7 kg, and the orbit is taken from an ejector Dragon.

Hevelius will be the fifth and final satellite, which will be launched in conjunction with the BRITE program. “Waiting” for him already two Austrian, Canadian, and of course Polish Lem – the first Polish scientific satellite (and second ever).

 BRITE Constellation examines the pulsations of the brightest stars in our galaxy. Research pulsations of stars provide key information for the proper modeling of the internal structure of stars. Due zzakłóceniami resulting from waves of Earth's atmosphere, extremely difficult to conduct this type of precision study the Earth's surface.
Observations from orbit for accuracy of measurement even okilka orders of magnitude better than those realized using large ground-based observatories. The mission of BRITE satellites is planned for two years. -


At the beginning of August Hevelius was in China, where 9.08 is installed in the rocket Long March-4B. It is fixed to the frame of the main charge, that observation satellites Geofen second Hevelius will be launched from the Baikonur Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, and the launcher will be at the height of 630 km.


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