Saturday, August 16, 2014

On the days fly away last storks – the facts elblag24


Sebastian Menderski of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (PBPA) in Olsztyn said that the vast majority of Warmia and Mazury already storks flew away. – There are still those birds that hatched late. However, they also will fly for days. I think that to 20, August 24 should no longer be on the nests of storks – Menderski said and added that the storks that after this date will still be on the slots probably will not fly away and the winter in Poland.

– let them have a little pomieszkać in the nests, and in October or November – depending on the weather – we take these storks bird rehabilitation centers, there to survive the winter – explained Menderski.

Among the birds that have flown away include stork family with Żywkowa, which passed in the summer the country’s first successful adoption: young adult couple lost ornithologists and planted them into the slot corresponding to the other storks age that have died. Adult storks alien chicks pecked initially, but then stopped and, moreover, took care of podrzutkami. – Adoption of this we believe to be fully successful. It is a great success – stressed Menderski.

Storks sockets Warmia and Mazury overwinter in central and eastern Africa. Menderski told PAP that the population of these birds is not in contact with storks nesting in Western Europe, because these birds winter in the western part of Africa.

In July in the province.

Warmia-Mazury held shares of the world counting storks (it is performed every 10 years), which is to show what is the state and condition of storks in the region, the country and the world. Menderski said the results already submitted to PTOP surveys indicate that in some municipalities of Warmia and Mazury significantly decreased the number of populated stork nests. – The full results of this year’s count, however, storks will have at the end of December. They will give a full picture of the situation – said Menderski.

The last global list of storks in 2004 showed that in Poland is 52.5 thousand. stork nests, which is 20 percent. the world’s population. Most storks nesting in Poland in Warmia and Mazury – counted many as 10,226 pairs of these birds. Least storks in 2004, has a population of province. Opole – 577 pairs.

A world of white storks counting takes place every 10 years and covers Europe and North Africa. According to the PBPA, the world’s first census of storks took place in 1876 in Galicia, and its initiator was Fr. Eugene Janota, and the first International White Stork Nests Counting took place in 1934 and covered the reach of a large part of Europe. Since 1974, counting storks are organized regularly every 9-10 years.


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