Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Windows XP is holding up surprisingly well – Virtual Poland

Kaspersky Lab experts have conducted an analysis of security vulnerabilities in systems used by cybercriminals Windows. The study revealed that 16.37% of users who have agreed to share in the Kaspersky Security Network cloud information about threats detected on their computers, in June 2014. Still were using obsolete Windows XP.

 Users whose computers run under the control of an outdated operating system and applications are nieuaktualniane run the risk of being attacked by malicious software exploits.

 The study estimated the percentage of users of Windows XP among all users of Kaspersky Lab products for Windows in every country. The first place was Vietnam, where 38.79% of users still prefer to work on the hardware under Windows XP. The following positions were taken by China (27.35%), India (26.88%) and Algeria, where 24.25% of users remain loyal to the operating system. Approximately one in five computers protected by Kaspersky Lab’s product is still running under Windows XP, Italy (20.31%) and Spain (19.26%). Slightly fewer users, because 4.52%, still uses Windows XP in the United States.

 Although the official support of Windows XP, Microsoft has been completed only in April 2014., Sales of this system was completed already in 2010. However, it did not affect significantly its popularity: Kaspersky Lab data from June 2011. Shows that one year after the sale of 48.86% of users still benefited from it. After another year, in June 2012., This percentage was 35.64% in June 2013. – 25.42%. In other words, the popularity of Windows XP decreased by about 10 percentage points of each year. Interestingly, the

decline did not have a significant impact external events that could potentially accelerate it, such as the publication of the Windows version 8.1 in October 2013., Or cease providing extended support for Windows XP. In November 2013. Percentage of users of XP was 21.42% in June 2014. Decreased to 16.37%.

In turn, Windows 8.1, has the latest operating system of the Windows family, held in June 2014. Market share of 7.22%. This result is about 1% higher compared to the previous version in the same period: from the end of October 2012. Until June 2013. Windows 8 was installed on computers that 6.22% of users of Kaspersky Lab. Increased percentage of users of Windows 8.1 may be partially due to the fact that Windows 8 was the first Microsoft operating system that supports upgrades to new versions through the official application store for Windows. In addition, users of Windows 8 have the opportunity to free update your system to Windows 8.1, which also played a role in the rate of transition to the new version.

 If you look at individual countries in terms of the number of users who have updated your system to the latest version, it turns out that among the leaders are the United States (16.27%), Canada (13.52%), Germany (11.17%) , United Kingdom (10.79%) and France (10.31%). Far behind them, followed by Italy (8.1%), Russia (5.14%) and India (2.91%).


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