Thursday, August 28, 2014

Scientists from New Zealand: the best cheese pizza is … – Polish Press Agency

27.08. Rome (PAP) – Italians knew it ever since, so the astonished but pleased, received information about the discovery of scientists from New Zealand. They have stated, on the basis of meticulous research that mozzarella is … the best pizza.

Lovers of Italian pizza, prepared according to traditional recipes and legally protected, do not take even the messages that can be added to it other than a soft white cheese mozzarella. Meanwhile, it turned out that the ingenuity of the chefs preparing pancakes in the world has no boundaries. They are baked with the addition of species such as Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Emmental, Gruyere, Provolone.

Nice pizza you can eat only excellent with mozzarella, because only she pulls perfectly combines perfectly with all the extras, gives the whole the perfect scent and kruchość- announced researchers from the Institute of Food Technology in the publication on the pages of a scientific magazine published by University of Auckland.

They explained that they came to these conclusions after a series of studies on different species of cheeses, baking temperature and process, the ability to pull up, elasticity and moisture. Only mozzarella successfully passed all these tests.

In addition, the researchers found that the characteristic during baking pizza bubbles are formed only

from that cheese; Others do not have such properties, they are not flexible enough. At the same time the cheese does not burn during cooking.

Pizzaioli of Naples, famous for the best pizza, stated that they are happy that researchers in New Zealand conducted the study and announced the results. President of the Association of Neapolitan pizza bakers Sergio Miccu noted that although the temperature in the oven for wood even reaches 380 degrees Celsius, mozzarella does not lose its properties.

(PAP Life)

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