I recently wrote about the action of sending Polish Hevelius satellites into space. Yesterday, the whole action was a success. In addition, managed to establish communication. Hevelius joined the fraternal device called Lem, which revolves around the earth from November ub.r.
The first attempt communication with the Polish satellite, several minutes after the hour. 10 at the Center for Astronomical them. Nicolaus Copernicus Academy of Sciences, which has a set of antennas and other devices to make such contact.
The transmission of this trial can be seen in Gdansk Hewelianum Centre, where he is scheduled for Tuesday the entire set of events associated with the elevation satellites orbit. “Like a rocket, an attempt to establish communication went successfully” – told reporters present at the Gdansk Centre Dr Peter Orléans from the Space Research Centre.
The scientist added that Hevelius – just like the four other kindred devices of this type that already circling the Earth – will provide scientists data related to 286 brightest stars. “It will measure changes in the brightness of the stars, and thus will allow scientists to look into their depths. On the basis of changes in brightness because we are able to assess what kind of thermonuclear reactions and other place inside the star, and this in turn gives us the knowledge of how they are constructed individual stars “- told reporters Orléans.
The scientist explained that for the next few, maybe even several weeks, scientists will try every day to connect with Hevelius to be calibrated and in turn run all subsystems mounted on it. When this is successful, the satellite will begin its proper operation, namely the collection and transmission of data from observations of the stars.
Orléans announced that Hevelius revolves around the Earth at a speed of about 28,000 km / h, so the execution of one lap takes him approximately 90 minutes. He added that the Polish land communication with the device can be started on some days up to 3-4 times. “They will, however, these days, if this is not possible at all” – he said.
By Orléans placing in orbit of the second Polish satellite can no longer be an incentive for the development of Polish research program related to the cosmos. He noted that
The Center Hewelianum Senator Edmund Wittbrodt recalled that next year will be operational Polish Space Agency. He added that the Senate recently adopted amendments to the Act, which expands the powers of the Agency and the Agency’s headquarters move to Gdańsk. In August, the changes in the law have to be addressed parliament.
Hevelius was a space rocket Long March 4B, which on Tuesday morning has been fired from the Chinese training ground Taiyuan Launch Space Center. This took place at approx. 5.15 Polish time. Fourteen minutes later, the rocket has reached the desired height and attached to it a special ejector released satellite thereby placing it in orbit.
Orléans revealed that the Chinese were counting the 30 thousand. dollars per kilogram launched. He added that it is more or less standard charge, and satellite along with ejector weighed approx. 15 kg.
Hevelius is one of six satellites, which were built as part of the Austro-Canadian-Polish project Brite. Five devices, including Polish Lem, placed in space before: unfortunately, one of the satellites was lost – his fate is unknown. All devices have a very similar design – weighs less than 7 kg, and have a cube with a side of approx. 20 cm. All have lead precise measurements of 286 brightest stars.
Brite-type satellites developed in cooperation with the University of Vienna, Graz University of Technology, the University of Toronto and the University of Montreal. Over Polish Hevelius and Lem worked specialists from the Centre for Space Research and the Center for Astronomical them. Nicolaus Copernicus Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Ministry of Science and Higher Education allocated for their construction 14.2 million zł.
Source: www.naukawpolsce.pap.pl

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