In August 2014, Microsoft announced a big update for Windows 8.1. But he quickly changed his plans and substitute one pack a few minor, introduced a few weeks amendments. Microsoft’s policy change may be related to the fact that it is preparing for another, much more important event – the launch of Windows 9.
According to unconfirmed information, yet test version of the new windows will be presented at a special press conference September 30, 2014 year. Microsoft has not officially announced the date (Polish branch company also chose not to acknowledge it), but leaks in this case derived from the company’s headquarters sent a few websites.
Windows 9 – the cure for an eight
On the news of the imminent public presentation of the new system (although it will be a very early version, and may not have much in common with the final shape of Windows 9, which will get into the hands of end-users), it is difficult to shake the feeling that Microsoft applies in this case, the typical escape to front. You have to remember that the last two years in the field of operating systems rather were not for the Redmond giant success story. The last child of Microsoft’s Windows 8, which came to light in October 2012, has not won the hearts and wallets of users. Today (according to analyst firm Gemius) from the two most recent versions of windows (8 and 8.1) in Poland use a little more than 12 percent of computer owners, while eight predecessor – Windows 7 – uses almost half of Poles. Windows 8 compares unfavorably with the 13-year-old Windows XP, which today is still installed on nearly 18 percent of computers in our country.
The remedy for problems associated with Windows 8 is to be his successor, whose code name is Threshold, and is used widely – Windows 9 And it looks that Microsoft is willing to do a lot to ensure the success of the new software. According to reports, that’s more likely to recognize Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet, one of the best informed journalists dealing with Microsoft, at the time of its release Windows 9 will be available for free in the form of update for all users of legal copies of Windows XP, 7, 8 and 8.1. This treatment may be one of the best decisions taken by the Redmond company in recent years. In time, he has a chance because lead to a situation in which the market instead of multiple versions of windows will be used only one or two, and it’s much easier to policies related to the development and security of the system. It should be noted that the release of Windows for free is not copyright an idea Microsoft. Recently, a similar step Apple has applied for a free upgrade to OS X Mavericks, and the response from the users was quite enthusiastic.
A very important key
We do not know too much about what exactly will be Windows 9, but in the Internet era software vendors quite hard to maintain total secrecy with regard to new products. Therefore, on the basis of leakage may be assumed increasingly likely that considerable changes compared to Windows 8 will focus on the interface and operating system. In April 2014 at a conference BUILD Microsoft intended for developers revealed plans to re-establish itself in the Windows 9 well-known of the Start button and Start menu function itself, which disappeared in eight of creating antagonism, not to say anger many users. New Windows probably lose a so-called strip Spells and tiled desktop, which in popular opinion can work for touch screen devices, but is cumbersome and difficult to use in desktop versions. It is therefore possible that the tiles however, will remain, but only in the mobile versions of Windows 9.
It is very likely the introduction of built-in system features virtual desktops. This solution is used in computers, Apple or Linux for years, but never before Microsoft decided to bet on not fully.
A significant new feature for users, though not directly related to the interface of the system, may be the introduction of Windows 9 the new version of DirectX marked with number 12 DirectX is a suite of powerful support graphics, sound and other elements important primarily for games and multimedia applications. Possibilities of the latest version of DirectX presented recently in mid-August 2014, during the Siggraph conference in Los Angeles. Demonstration was to draw on the computer screen 50,000 asteroids, each of which has a unique combination of texture and shape. It turned out that used today DirectX 11 reached in the test wynik19 FPS (frames per second – frames per second), while the DirectX 12 reached the ceiling until 33 FPS. Microsoft’s engineers have managed to create a library that allows you to write code running directly on the GPU, without the use of a central computer unit, which resulted in an increase in productivity by as much as 60 percent. For users, this means that the integrated graphics device (e.g. ultrabookach or tablet), equipped with windows 9 will be smoothly played even in a more advanced 3D games. A market is a strong argument for the choice of the announced system.
Specialists dealing with the business of operating systems for now approach various reports about Windows 9 rather sparingly.
– The next edition of Windows is designed to stop losing streak “Eights” and sort out the mess in the interface of the operating system in which the Metro UI is still arguing with the classic a desktop GUI – says Bartłomiej Dramczyk, computer journalist, currently affiliated with the magazine Secret Service. – Following the acquisition of Nokia and the launch Surface’a (unfortunately not in Poland), a successful crossing of the tablet with a netbook, Microsoft is well positioned to dictate the conditions and build a complete ecosystem (devices with Windows Phone, Xbox One, Surface, OneDrive, Office 365 ), adapted to the needs of office work, communication and entertainment purposes only.
The most difficult task is to convince customers to the new operating system. Incentive in the form of a new Direct X, Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player, the new editions will only arise Version “Dziewątki” may be insufficient. The most striking change in the interface of the new operating system, which include modifying the Start menu and remove the Charm Bar also does not promise a revolution, rather laborious evolution. Customers who liked Windows 8.1 on desktops and laptops without touch screens will not be easy to convince to upgrade. There is also no incentive, which was the office suite of Microsoft Office that’s always inclined to choose the new edition of Windows.
We also know of the change introducing virtual desktops, which on one hand can facilitate the work of the other, to introduce additional unnecessary confusion in the new Windows interface. I expect a rather minor corrections made next update of Windows 8, and not a product that needs to be changed version and the preparation of the entire life cycle for the next operating system family of Windows.
Due to the rapid changes taking place in the IT market I hope, however, a brave step forward and use several strengths, which are likely to alter the method of operation of machines (both desktops and laptops classical as well as tablets and smartphones): stylus Surface Pro 3, transkypcji speech and handwriting on the form of the text. This requires courageous jump into the deep end. And these revolutions do not always produce the desired results, as Microsoft discovered in the past by offering innovative (for its time) the product of Microsoft Bob.
will be safer?
The method of operation and support for advanced graphics, of course, important elements of the operating system with which each user is in direct contact when working with your computer. But no less important are the issues of security software and its vulnerability. For now, little can be said about the solutions that apply in the case of Microsoft Windows 9 However, security specialists operating systems look with hope to the new window.
– Each new version of Windows introduced considerable improvements in the safety and all indications are that the same will be the case “nines” – says Piotr Kupczyk from the Polish branch of Kaspersky Lab, a manufacturer of antivirus solutions. – In addition to adding new features that every user can see at a glance (new interface, built-in applications, etc..) Developers from Microsoft attach great importance to what is happening “in the hood” of the operating system. Just to mention, how much impact on data protection was the introduction of Microsoft’s UAC (User Account Control – UAC) in Windows Vista – malicious programs could no longer run by default with administrator rights (unless they were used to attack vulnerabilities ). Equally important innovation was a function of ELAM (Early Launch Anti-Malware System) introduced in Windows 8 is a system of early boot virus protection, which allows a certified security software already start when you boot your computer, in order to counteract rootkits “podczepiającym” to the inner core operating system processes. Along with the publication of the next releases of Windows also seen improvements in the built-in parental controls. All this gives grounds for optimism on security in Windows 9.
confirmation of all the speculation regarding news and changes in Windows 9 will of course remain wait for the premiere of the system itself. If all the leaks prove to be true, it seems that Microsoft will return to proven solutions that previously won millions of fans all over the world. Excluding risky experiments on board the Windows 9 may have a chance to repeat the success of Sevens , and then Windows 8 will be only an accident at work experienced software company from Redmond.
More info: Windows, Windows 9

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