Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hemp could be better than graphene – CHIP

Hemp is not just a “grass” used in medicine and as a recreational stimulant. Before the cultivation of these plants was banned, they played a significant role in the industry. Soon it may be that once again become extremely useful. Or even a super-useful, as is proved in this team Mitlina, in his publication in ACS Nano , hemp fiber, which has so far been considered as waste, can produce a superconductor that their properties are equal grafenowi.

Mitlin developed a method by which the hydrothermal synthesis is removed by means of a hemp fiber lignin and hemicellulose, allowing hemp fiber two-dimensional nanostructure is formed which

consists of the synthesis of the remaining carbon atoms. Sounds familiar? Description actually fits into graphene. The advantage of creating superprzewodników hemp fiber, through which they can become more popular than graphene is the cost of their production. Mitlin claims that it is several hundred times smaller compared to the cost of production of graphene. Fashion hemp grown industrially can return soon …


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