2014-08-17 10:12

[Photo: Neustockimages / iStockphoto]
/> ECJ re-opens debate Privacy on the Web – Lidia believes Kołucka-Zuk with Google appointed by the Council of Experts. It was created after the decision of the Court of ws. Removal – at the request of the person concerned – from the search results links dot. Personal data.
May 13 European Court of Justice ruled that Google must remove from the search results links Personal data of individuals, if they choose it themselves interested in and information about them are
Google judgment established a Council, which is to draw up rules for the removal of links from the search engine. The 10-member Council of Experts were m.in .: b. Google CEO Eric Schmitd, the current vice president. Corporate development and chief. Regulatory framework of the company, David Drummond, founder of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, b. Vice-President (2003-2007 the) European Group of Commissioners. data protection Jos, -Luis Pinar, as well as Lidia Kołucka-Zuk – lawyer dealing with human rights, especially the rights of the elderly and old, was a member of the Strategic Advisors to the Prime Minister.
The judgment the ECJ opens again the discussion about online privacy. I think that even to the end we are not aware of it and we are not able to appreciate the seriousness of the problem. This is a fundamental change in social relations resulting from digitization. It is so rapid that we are not able to realize all the consequences. Therefore at Google as a lens diagnosed the problem to us – private vs. public in the digital age – emphasized Kołucka-Zuk.
The lawyer pointed out that perhaps the problem of the relationship private – public network should look different.
I’m afraid that we are a fig leaf for Google’s. If you feel that this is so, then resign from the membership of the Council. The company wants to do the job it was set, and hence the idea of it, to invite a group of experts to talk. I intend to work process was transparent and open, and I will have to inform – she said.
She explained that before the Council there are two tasks.
She added that individual cases will
The company is in the process which is to restructure the huge debt.
The Board explains the decision of the problems of doing business in Russia.
The Council of Experts has consulted in Europe.
Visitors can submit their comments using the form which can be found at https: //www.google.com/advisorycouncil.
The initial assumption is that the report created by the end of February 2015, but it will depend on meeting deadlines – added Kołucka-Zuk .
In her opinion, the discussion related to the problem of how to reconcile privacy with access to information, while not to be accused of censoring or restricting access to information.
The decision of the Court of Justice of the EU collapsed on the complaint that the Spanish data protection agency AEPD made in 2010. against Google citizen of Spain. He complained that in the search results when you type his name into Google would send newspaper articles 16 years ago that involved the auction of his estate for the debts. The Spaniard argued that debt paid off and does not want his name was still connected with that case. The Court granted his position.
Before Google resisted the erasure results by specifying it as censorship. Claimed that it does not control the data, but only provides information seeking that and so are available on the internet.
In Poland, the request can be submitted at: https://support.google.com/legal/contact/ lr_eudpa? product = websearch.
Read more in Money.pl

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