Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Poland and China together will explore space? – On 24

The diplomats, academics and journalists from Polish, China and other countries, met on August 20 at the Polish Embassy in Beijing, to sum up a successful mission to put satellites Polish scientific “Hevelius” in orbit by a Chinese rocket “Long March 4B”.

event is a great part attributable to commemorate the 2014 commemoration of the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the Polish – noted Krzysztof Dobrowolski, charge d`affaires Embassy in Beijing. – I think that the famous astronomer of this fact would be truly happy – he added referring to the Hall of wall hung a portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus Copernicus.

The desire to continue cooperation with scientists from the Polish expressed during the meeting President Yin Liming CGWIC, a deputy director general of the China Space Agency Li Guoping said about plans for joint action with his counterpart from the Vistula – Polish Space Agency. – At the very beginning of the offer Chinese partner was so exhaustive that soon we decided to cooperate – said prof. Banaszkiewicz, Marek, director of the Space Research Centre.

satellites, “Hevelius” and all accompanying events is largely padding contacts the Space Research Centre of the Chinese partners, supported by the Polish Embassy in Beijing. The idea of ​​a joint project was launched in September 2013, during a visit to China Polish parliamentarians and representatives of the CBK. For the first time, scientists from the Polish met with representatives of China Great Wall Industry Corporation.

With Polish-Chinese cooperation August 19, 2014 year time 5:15:00 Polish rocket Long March-4B was a scientific satellite BRITE-PL “Hevelius” into earth orbit. In space has been launched from the Baikonur Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, 600 km southwest of the capital of China. “Hevelius” has already started broadcasting from orbit.

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