Sunday, August 31, 2014

Google is working on drones that provide shipment. Meet the … – News 24

Google revealed Wings Project. The American giant from two years working on drones that will be able to deliver small consignments. Experiments are carried out in Australia by a team of Google X.

 / Fig. Screenshot / YouTube Google showed a short film about the project Wing (“Wing”). It’s about unmanned drones that will deliver small consignments. They would fly at a low height, would be able to avoid obstacles. Could take off vertically.

Clip presented by Google shows a man who ordered on the Australian outback food for the dog. Dron reaches the place of the contract and without landing dumps shipment. The tests were delivered to Australian farmers from Queensland first-aid kit, candy, water and dog treats. The project Wing by Google “faster, safer, and more efficient delivery of goods.”

src="" title=" / Fig. Screenshot / YT "> Google is not the first company that wants to use drones deliveries. Project Prime Air also boasted Amazon. The goal is ambitious: to provide delivery in 30 minutes or less. Skeptical about the idea TechCrunch journalists who pay inter alia the potential problems with the legalization of drone flights.

In July occurred in New York for nine incidents in civil air traffic involving drones. Two times the pilots were forced to change course. The problem relates to devices used by civilians and not the military machine. According to experts the principles of movement drones in the air should be regulated. Own regulations is about to enter the European Union. This problem is the biggest challenge that also faces the creators of the project Wing.


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