Mobile operators will soon have to get rid of stocks of older models of smartphones. Coming up because International Fair of Consumer Electronics (IFA) in Berlin, and with them the latest release models. New devices Apple, Sony, LG or Nokia in September will be on the shows, and after a few months, will be available in stores and offer operators.
on clearance sales and gaining the customers and telecoms. The former wypatrzony acquire equipment before even a few hundred dollars cheaper. The latter, however, benefit from extended for another 24 months contract with the client and place in storage for future purchases. By the way, while there is an opportunity to promote the brand.
From Alcatel for ZTE
– Periodic promotions related to the sell-off of some models of smartphones always very popular – says Wojciech Piechocki with industry portal, adding that most customers do not choose the strongest, most recent, and therefore most expensive smartphones, but just the older ones, with smaller screens and worse technical parameters. – For most customers to reduce the price of 200, 100 or even 50 zł means a lot, and for the operator, thus allowing the client obtains the next two years, they are not significant sums – says Piechocki.
Where to find information about the clearance sales? Mobile networks often, but this is not a rule, lead the way such an aggressive promotion campaign. If you want to hit the best deals, operators should keep track of profiles on social networking sites, blogs or their spokespersons websites telecoms. The play lasts just announced sale a few days ago. For example, you can buy penny. Samsung Galaxy S4, but also HTC One or Motorola Moto G. Depending on the subscription price smartphone is as much as 300 zł lower than the one of the past.
The completed last Wednesday, August promotion Orange customers can in turn choose from eight models available in selected tariff plans. Were available, among others, various models of Nokia Lumii, LG, HTC and Sony. The reductions ranged up to several hundred dollars. And if the network client benefited from the promotion of an online store, the prices were even better. Thus, for example. Smartphone HTC One previously costing zł 758 zł grew cheaper to 169, Nokia Lumia 1020 – from 1139 zł to 139 zł (subscription Smart Plan Multi-Max for 129.98 zł), and the price of Nokia Lumii 630 in a set of headphones fell of 247 zł to 69 zł subscription for less than 50 zł.
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The cheaper the more expensive
Choosing a smartphone overrated with several hundred gold on the penny, remember also that the lowest prices are usually devices sold in the most expensive subscriptions that you will pay for 24 months. Except usually lasts agreement with Telekom if we get him smartphone. Operators acknowledge that organize sales, primarily in order to gain new customers or encourage the early replacement of existing phones, so as to extend the contract.
– Such actions are, on the one hand sale tips from the magazine – as always inform – on the other hand the systematic reduction of prices of individual models – provides in an interview with DGP Eve Sankowska-Sieniek the press office of Play. He adds that the former operator organizes only a few times a year. In turn restatement of selected models it happens a lot more often, at least a few times a month, sometimes even several times a week.
– Then flexibly react to what is happening in the market, and lower the price of a single
Plus is broke
Orange opportunities for seeking discounted smartphones get at least once a month. Katarina Pacherova the press office of the operator emphasizes that sales of smartphones is a way to offer more attractive operator and the opportunity to purchase the smartphone at a significantly lower price. – The leading Orange Outlet offer to which customers are already accustomed, and which is very popular, are “Crazy Days in Orange”. We try to organize them at least once a month – says Pacherova. “Crazy Days” usually lasts a week and is always a choice of several models of smartphones from different manufacturers.
– There is no single criterion for the selection of models for such an action. They can be both smartphones tips or which will soon be replaced by a newer version, but just as often to get such an offer models that we were able to buy at a reasonable price, so we can offer them cheaper than competitors – explains Konrad Frost T -Mobile. Our interviewee adds that its sales network are published several times a year.
The only operator that does not organize regular sales, is a plus. According to Arkadiusz Majewski from the Press Office Plus Telecom puts on sale several products at the same time, because then the subscriber network can benefit from the “second product for the half, the third – for the buck,” which attracts the most new customers.
& gt; & gt; & gt; High speed Internet is still only in the plans. We risk losing the grant. Read more here.
Phone more often from the store, not the operator
cellular network to the users gets smaller and smaller number of smartphones and tablets. Manufacturers forecast that within three years only half of this type of equipment will be sold by the operators. Other buyers will find in stores. Already this year, 40 percent. Smartphone users will go to the open market. – We expect that by the end of telecoms will distribute no more than 60 percent. smartphones, which in turn will increase the scale of the commercial networks – says Joanna Tobiszowska, director of marketing for Komputronik.
Mobile networks are selling fewer smartphones, because the price war in the telecommunications market has led to a significant reduction in the cost of calls by the cells. Monthly subscription no limit costs about 50 zł. Operators are therefore limited price support equipment. For the latest smartphones have to pay extra now even 1 thousand. zł. Meanwhile, customers have become accustomed to the fact that receive them zloty. At the same time international expansion forced the cheaper brands such powers as Samsung and Nokia to significantly reduce the prices of their products. Decent smartphone can be bought for the equivalent of $ 100. So why buy it at the operator, a 24-month binding contract on the occasion
Autumn is coming, will be new – for smartphones, for which we wait, read on

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