Sunday, August 31, 2014

Maps HERE for ‘Samsung Galaxy, or how Koreans … –

Since Microsoft bought some Nokia mobile maps HERE become one of the key products in the portfolio of the “old” Nokia. It can be expected that the expansion of services will be quite fast and reaches the competing operating systems.

yesterday presented maps HERE Beta for Android, and actually so far only for devices Samsung Galaxy series. The company brings the best, that is, maps and navigation offline, after having download data for entire countries or continents. This is a significant advantage over solutions from Google, which has not proposed a real mapping offline, and save local fragments of maps is not working as it should. Searching the maps HERE we have a choice of transportation, public and pedestrians, and the system we propose three alternative routes. Being online, additionally get information about traffic, obstacles on the road and sync with our account HERE. The service will be available after the release of the Samsung smart watch Gear S, which also will use technology from HERE.

For more information about this solution can be found in the press release, but much more interesting phenomenon is the diversification of services by Samsung. Apple for quite some time trying to be decoupled from the application Google. Changed among other things, a base search on Bing and created their own maps, which replaced Google Maps. Samsung by playing with Tizen and strong interference in its overlay TouchWiz Android drew the wrath of the heads of Mountain View. The investment in the map HERE is another step towards independence. However, remains an open question – who needs whom more – Samsung Google or Google Samsung.

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