Tuesday, September 30, 2014

After Windows 8 … Prime Minister Windows 10 – Polish Radio

name a little surprised experts because the previous system Microsoft called Windows 8, the company jumped so one digit to the front.

The latest version will be famous again the button “Start” in the lower left corner; Windows 8 it was not. Besides Windows 10 will be a little similar to its predecessor: the home screen will react to touch live tiles for quick contact by e-mail, social networking and weather forecast.

According to Microsoft’s Windows 10 is to be like and to version eight and six. The newest program is to support both traditional PCs and tablets or game consoles.

According to commentators competition in the market will be large,

especially since Windows does not have as many applications for tablets and smartphones, which have competitive iOS and Android.

Windows 10 is soon to be made available to selected users to testowania.Według company NetMarketshare Windows 8 has a moderate amount of users, more often still used versions of Windows 7 and even much older Windows XP, which Microsoft no longer offers support.



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