Saturday, September 27, 2014

Soyuz delivered to the ISS next crew of astronauts. Among them is … – News 24

Soyuz TMA-14M arrived on Friday at the International Space Station. On board were two Russians and an American. The mission astronauts will last half a year.

 / Fig. NASA / Public Domain The astronauts went into orbit on Thursday, September 25. On board the Soyuz TMA-14M was Alexander Samokutiajew and his compatriot Jelena Serov. Together with them, traveled American Barry Willmore. Serov is the fourth Russian woman in history, who flew into space. Expedition 41/42 will return to Earth on March 12, 2015. – Gives TVN Meteo.

From May to the ISS work Max Suarey from Russia, Germany Alexander Gerst and American Reid Wiseman. Their mission will end on November 8 this year, when they return to Earth. Prior to

communicate the most important information of the new team.

20 mice were sent into space. Will be for a month stay in orbit

few weeks ago for another expedition returned home from the ISS. Aleksandr Skvortsov, Oleg Artemjew and Steve Swanson landed 150 km from the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan. “A lot we done, had a great time and it was teamwork. Sasha and Oleg were on the orbital walks. Would arrive and flew vessels Progress, ATV and Cygnus. And now take command of Maksim Surajew” – summed before departure Steve Swanson.


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