Wednesday, September 24, 2014

iPhone 6 bends in your pocket. Apple’s problem? (Video) – Gazeta Lubuska

Specialists website Squerspace surrendered new iPhone 6 endurance test. It turned out that it can be using the power of hands permanently bend and distort. Experts responded in this way to the increased signals saying that the new phone with the logo gnawed apple is so thin that it can be bend in your pocket.

As it turns out voices were not unfounded – phone version with a smaller display has a thickness of just 6.9 mm. It is actually quite thin, and this high – less than 12 cm diagonal. This means that in the front pocket of trousers can be subjected to considerable pressure.

Is the information we provide the world’s media, can affect the sell new iPhone ? So far, “a six” bought the first weekend of release September 19, 10 million people. –

Sales exceeded our wildest expectations. Could not be more pleased – said Tim Cook Apple . Now be expected to comment Company in connection with reports of bending the phone.

“Six” have already reached customers in USA, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore and the United Kingdom. Since September 26 there will be a further 20 countries. The first models to be sold in Poland at the end of October.


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